Connect with the Elements

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Connect with the Elements
Post # 1
Recently I had been meditating with how to connect to my deities, and this is what popped into my mind. I needed to attune with the elements themselves, first.
And the how to that came as well: meditation.
I have a story with it that I'll share at the bottom, but I'll get to the how first.
Connecting with the elements is rather simple, actually. It all depends on the environment in which you meditate. It is possible to connect with more than one at a time. I've made a key of what came to me during that particular meditation (which, mind you, was in the rain):
Earth: meditate in soil, dirt, grass, or just on the ground
Water: meditate in rain or in/next to a natural body of water
Fire: meditate on a hot and/or sunny day, possibly by a campfire
Air: meditate high up, such as on a roof or in a tree. Be off the ground
I've heard of a fifth element, Spirit, but I did not find an answer for that. If anyone has any more ways of becoming more intune with the elements, please let me know.

Now for the story, for all who care.
I was trying to form a stronger connection to my deities, as mentioned before, and decided to meditate in the rain. Meditation was never my strong point, but I had always loved rain and thought that it'd might be easier to do so outside while it was storming (I came in half-an-hour later even though it only felt like ten minutes, so I guess it worked). While meditating, I did receive an answer, which I had mentioned before. That time I would have bonded more with water, yes? I wasn't on the ground, but sitting in a plastic chair; I wasn't high up and it certainly wasn't hot. So really, I only bonded with water.
However the next morning I casted a spell that at one point called upon the four elements. As I finished the spell and closed my spellbook, a drop of water fell from the roof onto the cover. Coincidence? Possibly. Do I think it was? Not really. I think it was the element of water showing that it blessed my spell.

Once again, if anyone has any other ways of connecting with the elements, please let me know.
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Re: Connect with the Elements
By: / Novice
Post # 2
you makes some good points. spirit is a part of us, the higher self, speaking with deity and letting our spiritualism breath will help the connection. different cultures and different faiths though have different elements such as wood, metal and chaos.
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Re: Connect with the Elements
Post # 3
Thanks. I've heard of other elements, but those were the only ones I got an answer for...I might try again on a hot day to see what fire has to say.
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