I don't know if love spells work but I need to try everything. Has anyone been successful with any love spell? My man left me because he said he was afraid of getting attached to me and me hurting him. We were on vacation and he was trying to avoid physical contact with me because he did not want to get attached to me so I got mad and left the hotel room. I tried to call him the next day and he did not answer nor replied my texts.
I miss him terribly and I want him back in my life. PLEASE if anyone knows about a spell that would work please let me know.
Hi the same thing happened to me my boyfriend was the same until I casted a love spell on him, it turns out he had people around him who where influencing him to leave the relationship all along, you need to do banishing influence spell and love spell and faithful spell.
How does that work? As I said I don't know much about anything that has to do with magic spells but I am willing to try anything to have him back.I know he has feelings for me just by the way he looks at me but unfortunately he is holding himself back because he is afraid.
Re: I need a good love spell By: SilverFawn1 / Beginner
Post # 6 Jul 23, 2014
If you are a beginner, and if you're not sorry for assuming, I suggest you actually start by studying magick before practicing it. I've studied it for two years and have a cast a minimal amount of spells. You have to know what you are doing, and it really won't work of you don't know. After all, a spell is only as good as it's caster.
I have had profound success as of late in this area.
Instead of using love spells, I tend to utilize evocation.
In my case, I called upon Beleth and Paimon, two Demonic Kings from the Goetia who specialize in manipulation of emotion (Beleth) and thoughts (Paimon) and I asked them to make a certain girl absolutely obsessed with me.
Furthermore, I prefer evocation and the use of these demons in such a case, as instead of having to do banishings of other influences, and etc. the demons know exactly what has to be done to clear the way for you and to make the person feel the way you want them to.
Consider magick to be your personal omni-toolbox - use the right tool for the right job!
I tend to use spellcraft for more simplistic things like powering myself up before an evocation ritual.