3rd eye help

CovenSpell Casters ► 3rd eye help

Re: 3rd eye help
By: / Novice
Post # 2
well first of all, have you worked with the other chakra's up to this point? you can't just decide to open one chakra, you need to start at the root and work your way to the crown. if you have, good, if not, i suggest you start their. this article i find rather helpful:


the spell you linked does sound like a good exercise you should try. you could also try meditating lying down with a amethyst crystal or a lapis lazuli. go with amethyst first since it's the one most associated with the chakra. if lying down might make you drowsy, then you could try tying it in place, or holding it in your hand.

if you're trying to open this chakra to become psychic, it's not a good idea. i spend most of my life with a third eye chakra fully opened, i endured headaches and an over active imagination. yes, i could also see the future, had deja vu and i could speak with spirits, but there was also negative side effects to it as well. plus this chakra deals with insight into ones self, clairvoyance is just something extra. if you want 'psychic abilities' try some teas and do some exercises to strengthen your sixth sense along with balancing your chakras.
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Re: 3rd eye help
Post # 3
Ironically I bought a piece of amethyst a week from the day after tomorrow at a museum for like $2. Now someone tells me I need one... Like you said, déjà vu
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Re: 3rd eye help
By: / Novice
Post # 4
lol things work out sometimes. that's sort of how we should get most of our items to be used in magick because we're connected to it.
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Re: 3rd eye help
Post # 5
Work with your chakras from the roit up then start by sitting in a bath with a few quartz and amythyst stones and a few drops of peppermint oil or extract. It works for about 3 days
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Re: 3rd eye help
Post # 6
Sursiem I don't want to offend you or anything, but in 13 and I've never even seen peppermint extract before nor have the time( until summer) to even take a bath, so do you have any other information to offer from this thread? :
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Re: 3rd eye help
Post # 7
They sell it at the store. If you don't you can wash your face with it too just use cold water.
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Re: 3rd eye help
Post # 8
I agree that you have to work with chakras then work on third eye. If you directly work on third eye without balancing your chakras then you will feel like angry , depressed , sad ,etc. So first balance you chakras. Don't balance in hurry. Take time for it. Balancing chakras will show your hidden abilites.
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Re: 3rd eye help
Post # 9

My recent post was about how to open 'em and all about chakras


3rd Chakra (Solar Plexus) Manipura

Relates to: Abdominal area, spleen, navel, digestive system
Colours Associated: Orange, Yellow
Stones/Crystals: Citrine, Sulphur, Topaz, Calcite, Apatite
Planetary Ruler: Sun

Located where the rib cage meets at the bottom. It represents the creative center, where transition takes form and shape. This centre fosters the co-creation with the soul and helps the physical body manifest issues, situations and so on. It works with the Third Eye chakra to receive ethereal information and process it on a conscious level. Where the Third Eye "sees" ethereal energy, the solar plexus "feels" ethereal energy. This could be the source of the saying "gut feelings". This Chakra vibrates with a bright yellow glow.

The Solar Plexus Chakra is about asserting yourself in a group. When it is open, you feel in control and you have sufficient self esteem.

When the Solar Plexus Chakra is under-active, you tend to be passive and indecisive. You're probably timid and don't get what you want.

If this Chakra is over-active, you are domineering and probably even aggressive.

Exercise to Open and Close the Chakras

Begin by finding a comfortable position and releasing all tension and anxiety.

Imagine a ball of red light in the Root Chakra, at the centre of your lower pelvic region. The ball of light should be clear and bright. If the light is muddy or clouded, or if it is dull, take a moment and will it to become clear and bright.

When you have the image of the ball of red light at the Root Chakra clear in your mind, move to the 2nd Chakra. For women this will be the mid-abdominal region, for men it will be at or just above the testicles. Imagine a ball of orange light here, and again if the light is muddy or dull, take a moment and make it clear and bright.

As you make the ball of orange light in the 2nd Chakra, continue to hold the image of the red ball of light in the Root Chakra too. You may not be able to do this at first, but as you practice it will become easier. As you move to each successive Chakra, try to hold the image of the balls of light in the previous Chakras, so that at the end of the exercise you will be visualizing seven balls of light all at once.

Now move on to the Solar Chakra. Imagine a ball of clear yellow light in the Solar Chakra, in the centre of your trunk, behind your navel. Again, make sure the light is as clear and bright as possible. Try to hold the image of the orange and red balls of light you have already opened in the previous Chakras as you create this ball of yellow light.

When the image of the ball of yellow light is clear in your Solar Chakra, move up to the Heart Chakra. Create a ball of clear green light in the Heart Chakra, at the centre of your chest, behind your sternum. Make sure the light is clear and bright. Try to hold the image of the previous three balls of coloured light as you do this.

Hold the image of this ball of green light and the three which preceded it as you move on to the Throat Chakra. Imagine a ball of light blue light in the centre of your throat. Make the light as clear and bright as possible.

Now move on to the Third Eye. Behind the centre of your forehead imagine a ball of deep blue light. Make that deep blue light as clear and bright as you can, forcing out any muddiness or occlusion. Try to hold the image of all of the balls of light you have already opened, as you create the ball of deep blue light at the Third Eye.

When the ball of deep blue light is clear in your mind, move on to the Crown Chakra. Just above the top of your head, imagine a ball of violet light, beautiful, clear, and bright. Try to hold the image of all seven balls of light at once. Hold this image for a few moments.

You have now opened each of the seven Major Chakras.

Now you are ready to go back down. It is extremely important to close the Chakras back down after you have finished working with them, and you must make sure you always do this. If you do not, you may find yourself extremely un-grounded. If that should happen, you only need to close the Chakra and clear and release the energy, but it is much better to avoid the problem in the first place.

Begin with the Crown Chakra. Imagine the ball of violet light you have made begin to shrink. See the ball of light grow smaller and smaller until it disappears. Now imagine a tiny open door, and close it.

Now do the same with the ball of deep blue light you have created at the Third Eye. See it grow smaller and smaller until it disappears. Then see a small open door where the ball of light was, and close it.

Repeat this for each of the Chakras as you go down: Throat, Heart, Solar, 2nd, Base.

Now clear and release all excess energy as you know to do.

When you first try to do this exercise you may find it difficult to hold the image of all seven balls of light at once. Do your best. It doesnt matter if you cant do it at first -just go from one to the next. As you keep trying, you will find it easier

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Re: 3rd eye help
Post # 10

i use crystals to open my chakras.every chakra has a color,and the crystal you're going to use, should match the color of that chakra.third eye color is indigo,i use Amethyst ( inner peace,heling,positive transformation,spiritual awareness,meditation and balance.amethyst is a teacher of all things.this stone is very healing of body,mind and soul ) to open my third eye.i hold the crystal on that that chakra place and start to meditate and focus on it,think about what would happen if i open that chakra etc.

for more info about chakras and crystals:



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Re: 3rd eye help
Post # 11
Try to decalcify your pineal gland by substituting tooth paste that contains sodium flouride with one that doesn't. Also try not to drink tap water. Meditate by feeling your breath in the area between your eyebrows. By that I mean lie down with your mouth open and relax. Start breathing calmly and relax. pay attention to the area in between your eyebrows and the sound your breath makes and feel the sensations that come from it. This will stimulate your pineal gland and it will also help activate your third eye. Practice regularly.
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