black magick

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black magick
Post # 1
Anyone know of any ways to protect yourself from black magic because i am haveing the the symptoms of it
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Re: black magick
Post # 2

The color Black is seen as evil it is not but this color is seen as a concentration, solitude, and deep meditation.

The void of all colors, black has the ability to absorb, soak up, internalize, to receive without recoil.

Use the color black in rituals to induce a deep meditative state, or to banish evil or negativity as in uncrossing rituals; attracts Saturn energy

This is the color of the clergy, and witches use it to cloak themselves and to safeguard their mysteries.

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Re: black magick
By: / Beginner
Post # 3
Please explain the "symptoms" you are having, Reaven.
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Re: black magick
Post # 4
Head headaches dream intruduce thing breaking. Badluck and the
torat cards on tell me black magic was done break up in relationships psychic readings telling about secret enemies wishing me badluck and i pick up weird feelings in vibes when things are about to go wrong and some time these psychic attacks that throws me off of focus i do not know why this is going on i as have be get hexs cast on me i have a way of breaking them and people are starting to act different around me and animals acne to
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Re: black magick
Post # 5
Believe it or not
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Re: black magick
Post # 6
Black magic is a term given to the dark arts or evil magic that will hurt or do evil of someone by hook or crook So you can cast white magic spells to reverse them or for offending yourself And I agree with raven !!
Blessed Be
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Re: black magick
By: / Beginner
Post # 7
It is most likely a curse. (It is possible they could all be coincidences strung together, maybe you wrong someone terribly in the past and this is simply Karma handling the scales?) In the case of a curse, I usually figure out what type of spell had to have been cast for each problem that has occurred, and reverse them step by step. It takes forever, sometimes weeks, and a ton of energy and concentration, but I've found it to be the most effective way of handling it. But for those who aren't experienced in doing this, I would advise some protection spells, ward off spells, and a full cleansing of your spirit(salt water bath with lavender or jasmine and a long meditation.)
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Re: black magick
Post # 8
Your Symptoms:
    I've yet to hear of a negative spell cast against someone (please note I do not use the inaccurate term black magic) that is intented to cause headaches. Personally, if it were me casting something against you, I would have you suffer emotionally and mentally more than physically, because these are more devasting. That said, you could use a spell to cause headaches I suppose, though something as simple as painkillers can fix that. Headaches are caused by a multitude of factors other than negative spells against you. Things such as caffeine consumption, light sensitivity, not sleeping enough, poor eyesight, and diet can effect whether you get headaches or not. You should speak to your doctor about the headaches, because he or she will be more knowledgeable about these, and whether or not they are indications of something far more serious. Magic should never be used as an excuse not to consult a doctor, especially when one is having physical symptoms.
    Bad luck:
    While bad luck is one of the things negative spells against a person are intended to do, they are usually more on the end of the perception of a person, rather than something anyone has done. By this, I mean that you have had a few bad things happen, which happen normally, and because of the state of your mind, you find yourself to have a streak of bad luck. You don't actually have this streak of bad luck, but your mind has tricked you into believing that you do, and that this bad luck will continue to go on until you do something about it. Your negative attitude is self-perpetuating; meaning your negative mind points out other negatives in your life to continue your belief that you are having bad luck. Honestly, I would either perform a sort of banishing or cleansing of negative thoughts. This should fix you right up.
    Tarot Cards on Facade:
    Don't trust online tarot cards! These work based on a sort of magic eight ball concept; they don't have the intuition and the working habits like people reading the cards for you. When an online tarot card reading program is created, it is created with an algorithm, which uses a certain number of preset answers and questions. It's usually a false interpretation, unless we are looking for the interpretation to be true.
    Psychic Readings:
    Do these readings happen to also come from online? It sounds like it's another matter of a negative attitude/perception.
    Weird Feelings:
    You are probably feeling the negativity your mind is giving to you. The longer you stay in this cycle of negative thoughts, the more you will find instances to point out when life sucks, and the more unhappy you will get. This thought pattern will eventually cause bad things to happen to you, because your subconscious self will gravitate towards things which are bad, and you'll unintentionally make your life worse.
    Psychic Attacks:
    These attacks are probably from your own energy body(ies) attacking you. It's actually quite possible for you to attack yourself, and for you to even create a being outside of yourself in the form of a thoughtform, servitor, or eregore that will attack you. No, this isn't an actual malicious attack, rather it is due to the programing you gave to them. You unconsciously created them to attack you, and so that is what they will do.
All in all, I think you've spent a bit too much time worrying and bringing yourself further down, giving you the bad happenings of late. Maybe just relax, take a day off from worrying, and just be yourself. You may find all your bad luck disappears with your stress.

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Re: black magick
By: / Beginner
Post # 9
While I agree with 90% of what Kebs just said, I do have to disagree some with the headache part. Though its very possible she could actually be right, if you are in the wrong state of mind, or stressed out,etc. you could get headaches.
But I have also found that, because I'm aware of other energies, and have been very successful at shielding myself from negative energies that may attack, if the energy directed at me is powerful enough, I have gotten headaches from blocking it. Whether it be from my own energy and focus use for the shielding, or the negative energy causing pressure, but unable to do its full damage, either way, I know that it will give me a headache.
If you aren't experienced in shielding from negative energy, Kebs is probably correct, but if you are, or are a natural at shielding, an attack from negative energy could cause a headache. That's my impute.
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Re: black magick
Post # 10

Bea, I was talking about negative energy directed directly towards a person to cause headaches, not about blocking energies causing headaches. They are two separate things, and based on the person's post, they don't know very much. Also, this particular part of the post was in dealing with the physical aspects of his symptoms, not with the mental aspects of his symptoms, though the two can very well be connected. I think physical, mental, and emotional symptoms should be pursued before one starts claiming that magic is the thing at fault. In many many traditional (non-New Age) practices, magic is a part of medicine and they either compliment or suppliment each other. It's not a matter of, this is this only, or that is that only, both can be equally true.

I just highly, highly doubt anyone with real knowledge and experience in causing others trouble, would choose to do so on a newbie with no real knowledge or experience. He's made many, many posts, claiming he is being followed, is being harmed, and is being casted against. I think it's a matter of his imagination and perception running away with him, and wanted to put it kindly and explain it in an easily understandable way.

Most "negative" energy that attacks us is either from our own negativity, or it is due to the negativity of those around us effecting us. Most religions and paths have rules or guidelines against doing so, or say that when you do so, mean it. Most people follow those rules or guidelines, and those who don't tend to be the New Age kids running around, screaming at the top of their lungs that they are the new Dark Lord of the World. About 85% of those on this website don't know how to cast properly, much less how to make a curse work. Curses and the like are mostly fear factor; the curser tells the cursee that they are now cursed, and the person believes it, allowing their mind to hurt them. The people who can seriously curse won't tell you, they'll just do it, and let you enjoy the after effects. Those people who can seriously curse, when they do, you get more than bad luck and headaches. And those people don't curse lightly.

As everyone in this post had previously told him he was cursed, and how to get rid of it, I thought it necessary and important to point out he might very well not be cursed.

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