wiccan are not satanist

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Re: wiccan are not satanist
Post # 2
I think everyone on this site is aware that wiccans aren't satanists. Christians believe that all who practice magic are devil worshipers and to this day a lot of them will believe that without even bothering to learn more about different beliefs such as Wicca. You shouldn't pay attention to those things. Also - people fear what they do not understand. I've been stopped on the street by random strangers telling me how wrong it is to wear an upside down cross, because it is a sign of the devil but it's actually The Cross of St. Peter. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross_of_St._Peter The idea that it's a devil sign is relatively new. Believe what you will and don't let narrow minded people bring you down. :)
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Re: wiccan are not satanist
By: / Novice
Post # 3
lol i know what you mean. i have two friends who have matching pentacle tattoos on their shoulder [one with a sun the other with a moon] i was at a party a few years ago in the summer with the girl who has the moon pentacle. she was wearing a top that showed the tattoo, a drunk guy saw it and yelled 'yea, hail satan' to which we both turned to him and called him an idiot. [my friend did a far better job telling him off though] when he heard we were Wiccan he said there wasn't a difference. my friend pointed out we don't believe in satan, and he replied with 'well satan doesn't believe in you'. [still love that line]

you need to be calm and explain the difference. [though sometimes it's fun to snap at idiots] hopefully one day people will know the difference, we're making progress, slow as it may seem.
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Re: wiccan are not satanist
Post # 4
I worship god and i do magick, that don't make me evil a lot of people are just small minded D-bags, let's hope one day these people won't be small minded and thick! anymore. :)
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Re: wiccan are not satanist
Post # 5
As Nekoshema told us, there is nothing that beats drunk philosophy.
Gotta try it out...

Regardless, all paths have their extremists hammering down on all other beliefs.
You don't have to go far, anywhere, to find these people.

I have a hard time myself getting past that, but at some point I guess I will get used to it.
Same goes for you, I bet.
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Re: wiccan are not satanist
Post # 6
Honestly, not all people, and definitely not all Christians, are as small minded as you believe. I have only had one person at my work ever actually worry over my immortal soul, and his solution was to give me a bible I keep and use to this day. I have even had the pleasure of talking with my boss about the energy in crystals and how they can effect you.

My grandfather, a very Christian man, doesn't care what I believe in, as long as I believe in something. He respects that I do not believe as he does, and would rather see religions all as extensions for each other.

Just remember that not everyone is over the top foolish, and not everyone is out to get you. Worrying about what other people think of you isn't helpful to you at all. Worry about what you think of you. Are you a devil worshipper? No? Good for you. Don't even bother to react to things that are said in real ignorance.

"Arguing with stupid people is like playing chess with a pigeon; no matter how good I am at chess, the pigeon is just going to knock over all the pieces, crap on the board, and then strut around like it won."

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Re: wiccan are not satanist
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 7
The pentagram upside down or with a goats head is the saintanist sign and i have known a few saintanists and they are really nice people. I dabble from more than one religion wicca and christianity being just 2 of them. People do not want to know something that scares them and this is unfortunatly a fact but stay strong and trust yourself.

we are all here for you

best blessings
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Re: wiccan are not satanist
Post # 8
Im christion (i have no idea how to spell) and i study magic.
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Re: wiccan are not satanist
By: / Beginner
Post # 9
Just a little fact: most satanists dont even believe in the "devil" let alone worship it/him. Sorry, i felt the need to say that.
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Re: wiccan are not satanist
Post # 10
People these days should not judge you
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Re: wiccan are not satanist
Post # 11
Just have to add two things, DezzyT is correct in saying Satanist don't believe in Satan, it is about worshipping oneself.
The other thing i have to point out is technically wiccan's do believe in Satan, since he is a daemon, we use a different name for him as well as many and but none the less.

This is just a point of view on this that i know a few people i know agree with. We were tired of hearing those kinds of lines referring to the Satan on these two subjects.
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