a lot of trash

CovenSpell Casters ► a lot of trash

Re: a lot of trash
By: / Novice
Post # 21
1. only Pet can delete, so it's a waiting game.

2. not everything filed under Fantasy is a non-working spell, which is why you can't just delete them all

3. deleting the category won't solve the problem. a 'transform into' spell could be then filed under body spells, strength spells, attractive spells, wish spells, power spells, conjuring spells, illusion spells, growth spells, or could be miss labeled for various reasons. i've seen vampire spells in the dragon section, faerie section, even a few in the crush section a few years back. if someone wants their spell posted, they'll post it doesn't matter if it's in the right folder or not.

mind you, i'm just repeating myself here lol. if you have any solutions you can bring it up to Pet, he has a forum in the comments section for idea's on improving the site. just be sure you have an idea and not a 'delete the fantasy sections', solutions are what's needed if we want to cut down on the number of non-working spells. like say we teach people, like a 'magic for beginners' type of thing might educate people. of course it raises more problems, like find people to not only teach but to pay attention, but it's an idea.
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Re: a lot of trash
Post # 22
I totally agree
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Re: a lot of trash
Post # 23
This coven is imbalanced. You have more ignorance and stupidity than you have those truthfully willing to learn and intelligence. When I point this out it enrages the others in chat, I am cussed out and scorned, but that just has me to laugh and I continue to rub the truth in the foolish ones faces.

There's a difference between innocently ignorant, and deliberately ignorant.

The majority of those who chat are deliberately ignorant. I show no pity or sympathy. I bluntly tell them their full of it and are an ignorant fool who chooses to ignore Common Sense.

They will not get me to leave nor will I.

If we can get more intelligent and more people willing to learn then it would be great. However the media I do not fault them as much as many do. I fault the ones who chose to remain ignorant after ten people told them that they are not what they so claim.

For those who claim that they are something I want to see proof. Solid, legitimate proof.

I am not happy at all with the fluffs that clutter this Coven. There's a difference between beliefs and being a delusional fool. We do not tolerate Role Players.

A definition of a fluff is one who claims the impossible, who is ignorant by choice, who is Choosing to live in a fantasy.

Examples of Fluff is:

Claiming to physically be something other than a human. Like a werewolf, vampire, mermaid, fairy, demon, angel, or anything other than human.

Trolling. This is when you cause drama, and are annoying to everyone else. One who is causing havoc, again we do not tolerate drama.

Claiming to fly, levitate, control water, wind, the earth, and fire, or any other element.

Something's are not a matter of belief. There are limitations in this physical plane rather you like it or not. Not everything is possible on the Physical Plane or in other words the world we Humans live in.

I personally am sick of the ones who Choose to remain ignorant. It is an insult to serious practitioners who actually are sincerely trying to learn, and not deal with the nonsense.

So I will be working to weed the Weeds out if the Garden. In other words operation of Eradicating Fluffies.

This is not a matter of belief. It is a matter of those choosing to be Ignorant and spreading their Ignorance to others, polluting young practitioners and they waste their life and time playing Make Believe. It's pure pollution, pure nonsense and I won't sit around and let it continue.

This is a Non-Fluff Zone. I plan to do all that I can to keep it that way.

Again this is not a matter of belief. This is a matter of purging the pollution from Spell Casters and SoM.

"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence." - Carl Sagan

- Tamiel
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Re: a lot of trash
By: / Novice
Post # 24
I agree to all of the above :) Which is why I have not posted any yet and may never because I believe that the most powerful one work because of the the creator of it is using it. I might be willing to share with a few to see how they work for them but not here. It would just get lost in all the junk anyways. Granted I have not been a member for long but came to learn not learn crap. Sorry hope that is not to harsh. I have been practicing for more then 10 years but I believe I was born wiccan (looking back at all the signs that were shown to me) unfortunately (an by no means to offend) my mother forced me to church until I was almost 18, believing that my gifts were from God and I needed to thank him almost daily, that or she would make me down allergy meds thinking it was all in my head.
Anyways, off the subject, I would like to see this coven cleaned up and maybe since there are so many young or inexperienced that there should be teachers and have it set up like more of a school/classroom section, maybe have a designated amount of time in the classroom (so to speak) and that test that was mentioned before maybe one before and one after to allow for those who are past that to join and those who don't must learn and study to pass the entrance test to get in.
It might help, it might at least weed out a lot of the fluffs and get more serious members in and help more serious ones stay instead of treating it like a halfway house. Sorry, just saying, not to be mean but just a thought. But until then maybe Pet would allow for a few to move spells to a trash section and then he could go through that and empty it when he's on.
Like I said just a thought.
Hey I figure if they come looking for Harry Potter and Hogwarts lol why not treat it like that make them go to school ;P .
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Re: a lot of trash
Post # 25
the fluffies should be told to leave because they are useless here so the ones who are serious in learning magic can learn
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Re: a lot of trash
Post # 26
I agree with the first post it does make us look bad I never know so many people cared bout this coven as I. I have talked to Lindacash bout we couldn't come up with any ideas what the coven needs is leadership
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Re: a lot of trash
By: / Novice
Post # 27
exactly, just don't do what magic did and overthrow the coven and claim it for your own.

what needs to be done is the people who want to help, should all get together and assign tasks for each one to do. one or two monitor forums, deleting ones that aren't productive, helping people with problems, stopping people from passing on incorrect information, and teaching people in the forums. another group of people should be in charge of the articles, editing articles, rating, adding and deleting them. the biggest group should be in charge of going through the spells section, rating, adding and deleting/spamming the ones that don't work. when i was in spellcasters people would just decide to do these things, if you work as a team it'll be easier. i use to monitor the forums and do my best with editing articles, and delete fluffy spells in the dragon spells section.

the coven is meant to be an open concept, i doubt it'll ever have a leader, it's just where you send people you don't want to deal with. it effects the whole site however since everyone's in the council. plus side, with everyone in the council, everyone can try to do something about it. sitting around complaining won't do much, figure out what needs to be done, get together to pass out jobs, and do it. of course, you should tell the coven what you're planning before you do it, so everyone's in the loop and you can find people who would want to help fix the coven.
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Re: a lot of trash
Post # 28
that is a very good idea you can count me in
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Re: a lot of trash
Post # 29

Are we able to delect others work? O.O

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Re: a lot of trash
By: / Novice
Post # 30
@ kingofgames [though his accounts deleted] yes, everyone in spellcasters is in the council, so everyone can do the same thing anyone in a council position can do. you can edit/delete articles [but it needs to be approved] and you can delete forum posts [should say 'delete' under the post number in the right corner] HOWEVER you shouldn't abuse that power, don't go around deleting posts you don't agree with, can land you in hot water. spells are tricky. you need to hit the spam button in the bottom right of the spells page, then wait for Pet to give it a final verdict.

point is, it'll be long and annoying, but if everyone works together, it can be accomplished.
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