the Angel of Death

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Re: the Angel of Death
Post # 41
Hmm... are you sure that wasn't an optical illusion..?
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Re: the Angel of Death
By: / Novice
Post # 42
Firstly it wouldn't be clairvoyance in that case but looking into a different plane such as the spirit world, I don't know if there's a posh term for that but this is just me being pedantic anyway. How would you know that it's a different plane, I don't think that such events are all that common but I may be wrong. I think it's more likely a manifestation of something personally but only because I've encountered them more often. I don't know how you wold tell the difference between the two although one would assume that your presence in another plain wouldn't cause a particular response where as there's in ours is more likely. The obvious question though is why do you think it was a different plain/dimension and what incident(s) are you referring to?

The good news here is that I actually agree with heelingsage at last, or at least partly. If you want to know what something is the best way is probably to ask it. (bear in mind though that spirits can lie so if it sounds implausible then it most probably is)
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Re: the Angel of Death
Post # 43
any way to summon and talk to him ?
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