Demons in my house!

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Re: Demons in my house!
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 2
It is highly unlikely they are demons. Far more common that the scratching and footsteps are mice scratching within the walls and running through the ceilings. It's creepy as hell, and they make a lot more noise than you'd think.
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Re: Demons in my house!
By: / Beginner
Post # 3
Your fear and imagination took you too far :-D be calm and use sense. Fear has a big eyes and tend to exaggerate a lot :-)
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Re: Demons in my house!
By: / Novice
Post # 4
it's not a demon, mice is a good option. you need to keep a logical head when dealing with the paranormal, rule out all other logical options before turning to the supernatural ones. if your place has something supernatural, it's more likely a spirit. try checking for signs of pests in your house. if there's nothing, and you want to look at the spirit option, just try talking with it. either you can't hear it or it's not strong enough to talk, so use a pendulum. this too, however, can be disprove, so maybe skrying or something similar. from what i can tell, if it's a spirit, it's not going to harm you, might want your attention, or just to spook you, but if it's scratching sounds when you're alone and everything's quiet, it's probably critters.
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Re: Demons in my house!
Post # 5
i go to a circle every week i was told there is a very bad entity in my house i know there is something evil ive sensed it i have heard and felt s pirit since i was young my children also have the gift i was told that i cant get rid of it myself i need the medium who runs our circle to send it away
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Re: Demons in my house!
Post # 6
if it was a demon, you would probably feel its presents, have scratch or bite marks all over you, and feel sick or weak. magic doesnt have nothing to with demons unless you were summoning or calling.
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Re: Demons in my house!
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 7
This thread has been moved to Misc Topics from General Info.
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Re: Demons in my house!
Post # 8
Male demons just rule the bedroom lol.. send it to me..please..
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Re: Demons in my house!
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 9
Neko, although its true most who use the pendulum that have a weak swing could very well be there own hand twitching or moving. But in my own experience, what you use is important. When picking my pendulums (I enjoy having different ones for different purposes) I pick up each one and let it swing to the energy of the room. I pick the one with the strongest swing, which isn't always the one you would assume so. Different pendulums conduct energy better or worse. Ones made of natural stone have spirits in them. The pendulums I have have swung in a circle entirely horizontally and even flew out of my hand before. Now if you try to make a pendulum swing consistently horizontally, you'll find it takes a lot of obvious movement. My hand was perfectly still. But then I've handed it over to someone who has seen this and wanted to try and it can go "dead". Different pendulums work better/worse for others. I was given a pendulum as a gift, it was spiraled aluminum with a point. It never liked me, always swung very little. When I introduced pendulums to my husband, I handed him my favorite one and it was very weak, then I had a gut feeling, and handed him my reject spiral one. It went wild! So I let him have it. It was his apparently to begin with. He still uses it to this day. The thing still doesn't like me.

As I first picked up a pendulum at the age of 5/6, I have also introduced it to my daughter at this age. The more she uses it, the more dramatically it swings. Just the other day, it swung very widely back and forth and she burst into excited giggles (very cute might I add). I teach her to hold it with her elbow on her side to keep it still, sitting down, with the pendulum in front of her body, held by three fingers. She likes trying to find lost objects. She's becoming very good at it. The spirits favor her. If my five year old daughter can use one accurately, then it isn't very hard to do. =)
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Re: Demons in my house!
Post # 10
Hello dear, I am Jade Arayell, I have been a witch for a very long time and have had alot of experience with evil spirits and excorcism as well, This maty very well be an infestation, demons are drawn to witches,I would check for mice and whatnot, but if it isn't explainable, either cleanse your home, or move, if thesethings continue, the thing to remember, all evil spirits feed on fear, the more afraid you are, the more powerful they can become, it isn't a matter of getting rid of your supplies, books, ect, witchcraft if practiced honorably, will indeed protect you from dark entities.Very important to cast a protective circle any time you cast a spell, this protects you and keeps them at bay, witches don't practice evil and harmful, or negative practices, In fact, just the opposite.In time the fear you have will vanish, just know, that you have power over any and all evil spirits, because you have the abilitity to send them back to where they came from , they know this, and this is one reason why they want you to be scared,they fear witches, because we know what they do and more, Don't let them fool you dear, you are much stronger as a witch than any evil spirit. If I can help you to be rid of this thing, please let me know, in the mean time, use salted water with a blessing you have prayed over it, and sprinkle it in every room.this is my email, Feel free to email me if I can be of help to you
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Re: Demons in my house!
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 11
Araria, that's ridiculous. Just exorcise it from the house. That's why I don't like groups of witches, many try to make other members feel inferior and that they "need" the group. Take control, and get it done.

As for thetaco, I've avoided this topic because of your assumptions. Spirits didn't get a sudden news bulletin that you picked up magick and like Monsters Inc. it was that ones responsibility to haunt you. Unless you summoned or called to something and then assumed it would just go away on your own (which I will doubt in hope you have common sense)

Do you want to know why you're experiencing this? Because you're throwing energy around wily nily. You're obviously inexperienced. Read a book or two and think you have "power" but you hear a few scratches on a wall and run behind a chair. Experience and strength in magick seems highly unlikely in your case. You said your feeling angry and aggressive. So you created a shadow, a thoughtform, and your feeding it very well! It's triggering the anger/aggression even more and feeding off your response to it creating a vicious cycle.

Why am I being mean? Because you're ignorance will scare others who are getting into magick. You assume magick caused this and discarding magick will make it go away. No--you skipped or raced through the basics, you can't control your emotions and thoughts, you didn't research enough, and you now did something you can't handle.

Now I've probably freaked you out..."a shadow?" "A thoughtform?" "How do I get rid of it?" Well, if you had researched a little more, you would have known (and the 13 year olds on this site can tell you too) you need to cleanse the house and banish the energy.

There you go. Problem solved. Now go back to your studies and actually learn before you leap. Don't play around with magick, if you're going to practice it, take it slow and do your homework. Work from the bottom up. Smart people study years before actually practicing anything more than working to improve themselves and protecting themselves.
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