Nature Vs. Nurture

CovenDarkness Rising ► Nature Vs. Nurture
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Nature Vs. Nurture
Post # 1
Here is an interesting topic to get different views and opinions from ppl within the coven. Just remember, this thread is not meant for argument, but for discussion and debate, so plz present ur comments in that manner.

I am sure most of u have heard the idea of what effects a person the most, nature (as in their genes, the way they are born) or nurture (as in the way that they are raised by ppl and society)...well, what do u all think? I myself am going to have an opportunity to witness this first hand with my little brother...I know both parents well and have been friends with them for years and know their nature, but my little brother is being nurtured by my mother, so which will prevail? I personally hold the belief that both play an even roll within a person...what about yall?

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