The Creation Story....

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Re: The Creation Story....
Post # 13
Hwo do you know this? Where exactly does it say this? Sure, it says God is the light much later on in the Bible, but nowhere in Genesis does it refer to Him being such, and it says He Himself created light separately. Let's face it, there is nothing to support the Biblical creation, making it all myth.
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Re: The Creation Story....
Post # 14
Tisk Tisk Tisk I will no longer argue with you for you draw conclusins God works in misteris was. Thare is so much proof of Jesus for he is truly real
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Re: The Creation Story....
Post # 15
There is no real proof that Jesus of Nazareth was truly divine and the messiah. That is only an excuse. It was said to fill in the gaps made by all these questions. It's absically a reverse God-of-the-Gaps argument. The truth is that Biblical creation is ridiculous, aswell as the rest of the Bible, and trying to use facts to prove it's worth is pointless. You wanna belive in it? Go ahead, you want to probe it, you're just going in circles.
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Re: The Creation Story....
Post # 16
There is no real proof for that matter, that jesus ever really existed. And creation myth are just that. Myths. Allogories to help us understand the un-understandable.
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Re: The Creation Story....
Post # 17
Jesus was a man, nothing more and nothing less, his divinity is something he created and aqquired through years of work, in the bible it skips for 18 years from his youth, in that time he was traveling the East, studying under various shamans and yogi's along his journeys, once he had reached true enlightenment he returned, and thus the bible picked up again, personally i believe what he did is within everyones potential, christian belief structure is based on a good principle, but it is often used as a form of manipulation and control, if one reads the bible with a VERY open mind you see some deeper messages, but they are so hidden between bull that one gets dispondent and gives up on it. The bible in all aspects are flawed, i know this is something all christians will argue with me, i accept this, they can flame my beliefs too, but i believe in what is real, can be seen, can be felt, can be experienced, energy is this, energy is this real, and energy has conciousness too in many cases, thus if anyone truly seeks God look within energy and the universe and not within a book created by MAN.
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Re: The Creation Story...
Post # 18
Proof or no all comes down to faith.. and as definition goes is a belief with no need of proof.. ^_^ so, I could have just evolve from a tree.. and call that tree my "god" O_O I believe that the bible gives a a beginning of a story.. but not the origin of all.. because if you believe that is the origin of all that exist.. then the question that will pop in my head is who created "god" (o_o.. it was me.. just kidding) *_* I will be like Socrates.. " I know that I do not know" as my base of discussion.. I will just speculate what it was, what it is, and what it is to come.
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Re: The Creation Story....
By: / Novice
Post # 19
The secret of creation: All has come to be. All will come to pass. We are because we are.
On anmother note, deities in most religions dropped what they were doing, they left and they came back. And they were more. Jesus for example, like Kao said, worked dilligently to become what he was by the time of his death. Gatauma Buddha described to us his path, thereby laying down probably the first, and probably the best outline to reach "enlightenment". Why focus on the who when you can focus on the how? The point is that we are just as capable.
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Re: The Creation Story....
Post # 20
Brilliant post Perdu, why follow when you can walk alone till you can lead..
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Re: The Creation Story....
Post # 21
The only problem with the theory that Christ was a mere man is the fact that there are hundreds of prophesies dating back hundreds and even thousands of years that dictated His life from the beginning.
Although I do believe that He made manifest a Way to spiritual power and authority as He found Himself.
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Re: The Creation Story....
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 22
There is no historical record of a man named Jesus that was king of the Jews, living around 30 AD. The bible is not historically accurate.

I believe everything was created out of nothing and "god" made it happen. The how's and why don't really matter unless to have faith you need to explain it to yourself. An enlightened person knows that a creation story is just the images one sees to explain what never will be understood while we are in human form.
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