Calling upon a dececed wi

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Calling upon a dececed wi
Post # 1
I want to call upon a dececes witch but I have 3 problems that I'm stuck on figuring out
1. If its a good idear

Obviously calling upon the dead isn't a good idear as its dangerouse and can take a lot of energy and I'm just a begginer witch and still learning the basics to call upon one

Well as I'm a biggener I'm still learning the basics and not shore how to cast one so I'd need to know how can I protect myself

Well as its very dangerouse how do I protect myself from any danger that maybe interrupting the ritual or spell

Also I can't say why I want to contact one just know that its to ask for a very powerful spell
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Re: Calling upon a dececed wi
By: / Novice
Post # 2

My general rule of thunb is if you have to ask how to do something like this, you are probably not ready to be doing it. Instead of trying to call up the spirit of a deceased witch you time may be better spent by learning to use more energy and learning to protect yourself. As always, just my suggestion.

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Re: Calling upon a dececed wi
Post # 3
I haven't really got the time to learn that aslong as its safe
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