Necromancy's Profile

Member Info
Name: Necromancy
Last Seen: Sat, 05 Dec 2009
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
Now lets see, what to tell you.
I follow the angel of death, or the grim reaper, whatever you wish to call the power that is death. I have nothing but the utmost respect for it. I understand it and willingly accept it as an inevitability. I have used my own blood in a spell before, which ended in a rather unique way.
Using a blood craft I acquired myself a demoness four years ago. At first I didn't know what to make of her, she would come to me in my dreams constantly, and if I were to space out I could hear her, or catch her shadow out of the corner of my eye. It wasn't until a rather intense dream I started to figure out what had happened. The blood craft which I had thought did nothing, had bound a demoness to me. I had to practice lucid dreaming to actually have any sort of real communication with her at first. When I saw her that first time...I was astonished and amazed. Long copper red hair, deep almost navy blue eyes, maybe three inches shorter than me, fair white skin, with just the hint of gold, and she wears a black silk halter dress. The only hint of her infernal origin is a cute slick tail.
I refuse to spell Magic with a 'K' I don't know why but that just bothers me to no end, so if you feel you must correct not, it will end poorly for you.
As for kinds of Magic I use, Runic and a bit of blood craft. Though I do not practice very much or very often, I guess you could call me a casual caster.
I have no delusions of what I am, other than that I am what one would call a Void, I am not noticed very often if at all, people just don't see or hear me, people may remember my name but can never put a face or voice to it. Most of the time I just do not exist.