Lique's Profile

Member Info
Name: Lique
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Wed, 17 Dec 2014
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
Hi everyone!
My name is Lique, it is a French name.
(if you want to, you can call me Liz too, if thats easier for you)
I am 14 years old, and I was born, raised and still live in Holland.
I became interested into witches and spells because of the show The Vampire Diaries.
Altough it is just a show, I became curious.
There were a lot of witches practicing and I wondered if it was real, or not.
Thats how I came here.
I am very new, so please understand I don't know anything about white/black magic, wicca, aura, kenesis, or any other things yet.
I am trying :D