dreablue's Profile

Member Info
Name: dreablue
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Thu, 09 Jul 2015
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
I am always open to suggestions about learning as I am a bit new to this. I am aware that I am am Clairsentience and an Empath. It has only been in the last few years that I learned the proper terms for what I am. Sometimes the information I receive can be very intense and I am still developing my abilities as I have blocked them for many years and am now retraining myself on properly blocking etc. I realized I needed to reopen myself as I have a young child that also is like myself and he was suffering from his feelings of being "weird." All of this I understand as I also lived in secret and feeling "weird" since childhood! I have always lived with a belief I was able to develop my Magick skills and am ready to take this journey! My daughter and I are learning to work together and she has led me to my goddesses. Yes I work with more than just one. ***PLEASE DO NOT SEND ME A MESSAGE TO TURN YOU INTO A VAMPIRE,WEREWOLF, OR MERMAID ETC*** Please allow me time to add to my profile as I grow. Drea