1230 Trick Spells from Spell Casters
- Clairvoyant Dream
- Invocation of Invisibility
- Become Invisible
- To Grow Wings
- Open Storage Rift
- Body Shifter
- Give Me Light
- Teacher Don't Call On Me
- Wing Growth Ritual Pt.1
- Two Mind Reading Spells
#401 - Clairvoyant Dream
(If the picture is in a book, place your bookmark object on the page with the person's photo. You can also add any other items linked to them that won't damage the book. shut the book.)
Put the book/photo in something protective. For example, you can wrap a book in an excess sheet. Put the protected item under your pillow. Go to sleep like you normally do. When you dream, you will see the person in various situations, emotions, and colors depending on what will happen. You can predict what they will do tomorrow, up to maybe 3 days later. The spell may stop working for a day or two if you use it daily, but worry not, as it will work again.
Last edited on Sep 03, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#402 - Invocation of Invisibility
Visible only by will, I blind and make deaf all others who may see or hear me.
A darkness shall cover them like that at the bottom of the ocean,
and they shall leave immediately.
Forgetfulness will envelope their minds and anxiety grip their hearts
should they come to interrupt us in our work.
The operators then see the smoky darkness dissipate as all that is within the working area begins to ''fold''. The unfolding process is completed by laughter whilst spinning quickly deosil, high speed, to a full stop.
#403 - Become Invisible
Relax and become conscious of every part of your body. Feel your skin. relax and feel the photons of light hitting your skin, a rain of warmth over your entire body. Now start repeating to yourself.
"Light pass through and around me, nobody will see me. Light pass through and around me ..."
As you chant (out loud or in your head) feel the rain of photons passing around and through you until you don't feel them any more. Bang! You are effectively hidden.
Last edited on Sep 03, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#404 - To Grow Wings
Say the following as many times as you feel necessary:
"Angels, please let wings grow on my back. To fly, all I have to do is leap up and flap. Once I grow my wings, I will wish for nothing else; For with them, I will help others, not just myself. And nobody will be alarmed. In fact, it will be quite the opposite. People will be amazed, but they will not try to use me for their own selfish needs; Nor will they feel greed
My wings will be (color). They will be just large enough to allow me to fly smooothly; But no larger. Let my wings grow in 14 days. So mote it be!"
Last edited on Sep 02, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#405 - Open Storage Rift
Chant:"Bow to me, space and time, tear a rift, void of all things matter. So I may place my things within, to come and get again."
Last edited on Aug 30, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#406 - Body Shifter
Spell to switch bodies
To start off hold the image with both hands in front of you. Look at the image and say
"Gods and goddesses allow my soul to travel to my target and its name is name of person or animal and protect my body from any spirits gods and goddesses this is my will, so mote it be."
Some side effects are:
Felling weak or tired.
Before you do the spell above. Make sure that your body is not visible to anybody or anything otherwise people might think your dead. And no one wants that.
Here is the spell to get back to your body again. Make sure that you are in the Same place and position as much as possible when you got your bodies switched.
This is the part where it needs to be memorized.
Say this in your mind:
"Gods and goddesses the time has come allow me to travel back to my body and live with my body so mote it be."
After that you should feel like yourself again.
Last edited on Sep 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#407 - Give Me Light
"Give me light, light is the key, light there shall be."
Last edited on Jul 27, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#408 - Teacher Don't Call On Me
While looking at the teacher, chant:" Teacher's gaze, teacher's gaze,their eyes; on me they shall not lay. For they cannot call on one they do not see, and for this class their eye's gaze shall not lay on me. As I say, So mote it be!"
Last edited on Aug 30, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#409 - Wing Growth Ritual Pt.1
Note: None of this is meant to be ingested, this for external use only.
(For the herbs, make sure to use a motar and pestle or something to ground them up.)
Place the pot on a stove. Pour the rain water into the pot. Set the stove on high an wait for the water to begin boiling.
Once the water begins to boil, place the Ginger, Angelica, Echinacea, Basil, and Poplar Buds into the water and stir it for 30 seconds.
After stirring the mixture, place the blood and ashes into the mixture and stir for 1 minute. While stirring, begin to imagine what your wings look like. Think about them down to the smallest detail. How big are they? What color are they? Designs? Imagine yourself flying, doing things with your wings, etc. Try to imagine all of this as vividly as you can.
After the minute passes, set the stove to low and let the mixture sit for 5 minutes.
After the five minutes pass, turn the stove off. Get the container, this is where the potion will stay until it is time for the ritual. try to remove as much of the leaves/ remains as you can. You can do this by placing a paper towel over the opening of the container and pouring the mixture over it.
Once the mixture is inside of the container, take it with you to a comfortable place. Place it in front of you, and concentrate on charging it with energy. Charge it with as much energy you can give. You will feel tired after doing this.
After charging the mixture with energy, place it outside in the sun for 3 hours. Once the three hours have past, bring it back inside and store it somewhere safe.
Last edited on May 28, 2015
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#410 - Two Mind Reading Spells
Look at your chosen person, carefully focusing, study everything, movement, emotions, and think deep thoughts about them, while still focusing. Then say as much as you please:
O worthy ones from above, and below, let me see what the person my eyes meet to sees. Let me see everything they see, let me think everything they think. By the power of 8, so mote to be.
Then blink 10 times, and close your eyes.
Second spell:
O, ones that stand from above and below, let me enter the mind of (first and last name). Let me see there thoughts, as I shall be able to talk with their thoughts. Let me see what they are seeing. By the power of 8, so mote to be.
Then, slowly close your eyes.