By the dragons light,
On this monthly night,
I call to thee to give me thy might,
By the power of three,
I conjure thy,
To protect all,
That surrounds me,
So let it be,
So let it be.
This is a spell to make yours, your friend's, or even a friend's friend cup size bigger or smaller
You may need:
A Mirror (would be helpful)
A Voice
Some Skill in Visuallization & Meditation(would be helpful)
You may need:
A Mirror (would be helpful)
A Voice
Some Skill in Visuallization & Meditation(would be helpful)
First off prepare yourself for the spell by meditating (no positions needed). After preparing ones self visuallize (if you can) the change in size you or the person wants. Then go to a mirror (if you have one) and chant this as many times as you like:
Help me, help me, help me please
Please make her breasts be cup size *
Soon they will be
Soon they will be
Soon they'll be cup size *
Note 1: can substitute * with A, B, C,or D
Note 2: can substitute her with my
A prayer to Cassiel, the angel of temperance. Used during times of distress.
You may need:
You may need:
Cassiel, please help me as I move through this time in my life that is requiring more responsibility and moderation. Sometimes I feel the weight of the world and I feel like I can't handle it anymore and I need your Divine Assistance. Wipe away my tears of stress and replace them with tears of joy and happiness.
This is just my personal way of getting focused before any spell casting.
You may need:
A Voice
A meditation stone
(Having a representation of all the elements doesn't hurt)
This may take 5-10 minutes depending on how practiced you are
You may need:
A Voice
A meditation stone
(Having a representation of all the elements doesn't hurt)
This may take 5-10 minutes depending on how practiced you are
The five elements are Earth, Air, Water, Fire, and Spirit. In order to focus your spirit you can make an egg.
How to make your egg:
I demand and command that anything and everything that is not in total and complete alignment with __________, with my source self, and all that is be removed and contained be sent to its highest form of expression and not be allowed to return.
(Now you may notice the blank. You must repeat this 9x. Each time fill the blank with one of these (preferably in order) gratitude, compassion, truth, patience, connection to spirit, tolerance, acceptance, faith, unconditional love.)
-after that, say-
I command that gratitude, compassion, truth, patience, connection to spirit, tolerance, acceptance, faith, and unconditional love be in perfect rotation, seed atom alignment, harmony and resonance NOW!
I place the egg of unconditional lave around me, under my feet over my head, under my feet over my head, under my feet over my head, swirling around me, protecting me, and keeping me safe. I fill my egg with divine light, healing energy, Goddess' and God's source.
-now visualize your body filling with white light-
(Now you should feel very relaxed. That was the longest part, this next part is very simple to do, but can be hard to grasp at first... Please be patient.)
- Hold your meditation stone. Visualize your heart, not the cute, emoticon kind, the blood-filled thing beating in your chest, now at the some time imagine fruit-bearing earth, hold that image, now imagine the crop on fire, see it slowly become ashen, now imagine rains quenching the flame, let the clouds pass, see the ashes blow around the earth, reaching you. Open your eyes.-
This spell will summon a Dark skeleton.
Use it at full moon.
You may need:
1 Skeleton
1 Dark Candle
1 Voice
1 Wand
You may need:
1 Skeleton
1 Dark Candle
1 Voice
1 Wand
1.Find a skeleton at the graveyard...
2.Lighten the candle....
3.Prepare your wand...
4.Chant 5 times:
Oh Dark angel of the underworld,
I ask you to summon a skeleton for me,
So i can be protected so hardly and free,
Make him dark and make him black,
So one day this world will never forget,
So mote it be......
After 5 chants....
The skeleton will stand up and ask for your desire..
The ritual should be done to the growing moon. Light a white or red candle. Take a picture of who you want to enchant. On the back of the photograph write a column:
Your name
Below, draw a cross (a plus sign)
His (her) name
Move the line
Draw a heart
Draw all the cross
Write "Amen"
Keep the photo of the side facing you, the person (a picture) of yourself. Starting from the bottom left corner, clockwise sew the edge of the large pictures of woolen thread stitches. The thread should not be black. It is better to use a white or red, respectively, the color of the candles. End of the thread, leave hanging, about 10 cm long penultimate stitch do, where was the first, the needle comes out of you on the front side, then the last stitch on the front side back to you.
Cut the string so that both ends are the same length, and appeared on one side - the one where the names are written. Tie them firmly on the three nodes. The ends of the thread is not cut and leave them hanging. Host seal, that is, crisscross the left hand or drip wax from a candle and say: "So be it".
Stitched photo store at home (can be wrapped in white paper with no records, clean), and in no case be that someone saw it, especially one who is depicted on it.