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2350 Luck Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 2350 Luck Spells
2350 Luck Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 2350 Luck Spells
  1. Fuse a fiend with negative energy
  2. Mermaid (For Girls)
  3. Wishing
  4. Pass a Test
  5. Misery
  6. Rid of Stress
  7. Phantasamal Arrow of Hellish Rebuke
  8. Parking Spot
  9. Simple Motivation and Success Potion
  10. Wish

#461 - Fuse a fiend with negative energy

Give your enemy an entity a horrible existence.
You may need:

  • Salt
  • Un-purified crystal (salt safe!)
  • Malachite stone (half inch diameter)
  • Small glass bottle
  • Green string
  • Pen
  • White paper
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    You may need:

  • Salt
  • Un-purified crystal (salt safe!)
  • Malachite stone (half inch diameter)
  • Small glass bottle
  • Green string
  • Pen
  • White paper
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    Place the in-purified crystal in the salt. Leave in dark dry place for twenty-four hours. Put crystal away safely. Tie the malachite stone to the glass bottle. Pour the salt into the bottle. Careful to get it all. Seal glass bottle tightly. Place on the paper. Draw a large circle around the bottle. Write the fiend's name thirteen time along the edge. If you do not know its name write entity while envisioning or feeling it. This will plague the creature. Lift the curse as needed by burning the paper. Replace paper if nesessary.

    Added to on Feb 11, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #462 - Mermaid (For Girls)

    Help you be a mermaid!
    You may need:

  • Water
  • Full or half moon
  • Symbol
  • Salt
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    You may need:

  • Water
  • Full or half moon
  • Symbol
  • Salt
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    First, mix the salt in the water. Then rub it on your legs. Then look at the moon and chant

    "Mermaids out there hear my call
    I wish to swim through the sea, make me what I wish to be
    Make me a mermaid without regret, when I am wet, so mote it be!"

    Added to on Feb 11, 2017
    Last edited on Jan 28, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #463 - Wishing

    A wish spell. You get three wishes with each casting. Try to wait for the wishes to come true before casting again.
    You may need:

  • Black candle
  • White candle
  • Blue candle
  • Three yellow tealights
  • Bowl of water
  • Salt
  • Paper
  • Lighter or match
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    You may need:

  • Black candle
  • White candle
  • Blue candle
  • Three yellow tealights
  • Bowl of water
  • Salt
  • Paper
  • Lighter or match
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    Place the black candle left of the water, white candle right, and blue as the point of this triangle of candles, then place the tealights between you and the bowl. Sprinkle salt in the bowl and imagine the water and working space being purified. Visualize a circle, keeping good energy and helpful beings in while banishing evil. Light your candles.

    Write your three wishes in detail on the paper, then say: "Gods and Goddesses, these wishes three; Will come true and are true to be. Within this circle I cast a spell. I pray to thee to grant it well.. I need these wishes to come to pass yo become true and make it last. So listen well, and make them true; These three wishes I ask of you. This is my will, so mote it be."

    Now read off the three wishes, blowing out a tealight for each wish. As you blow it out, imagine your wish going up into the universe and becoming true. Visualize the wish coming true and what will happen afterwards. When all three tealights have been blown out, meditate on the spell coming true, then when you are done blow out the candles and be calm, knowing your wishes will come to pass.

    Added to on Feb 10, 2017
    Last edited on Jan 28, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #464 - Pass a Test

    This spell will help you to pass a test, quiz, exam etc. But you have to have studied for the test, exam, quiz etc.
    You may need:

  • Bloodstone, or any stone associated with victory, courage, success etc.
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    You may need:

  • Bloodstone, or any stone associated with victory, courage, success etc.
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    Chant at least 3 to 10 times "With positive intentions free of ire, give me the success I now desire. The information required, in my head store it well, into my mind let the information gel, so I can recall this knowledge with the slightest of ease, so getting a passing grade on this (exam/test/what ever assignment you have to complete such as a quiz, etc.) will be a breeze"

    Don't forget to bind your spell by saying "For the good of all and to harm none, this spell is bound and is to not be undone, by the power of three times three, as I do will so mote it be"
    (Don't forget to thank the elements/higher powers/ both elements and higher powers for helping you with the spell, and don't forget to say farewell)

    Added to on Feb 05, 2017
    Last edited on Nov 13, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #465 - Misery

    Misery spell is something like bad luck spell, but so much worse.
    You may need:

  • Hot water
  • Bad luck herb mix
  • Blood from black cat
  • Your blood
  • Graveyard dirt
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    You may need:

  • Hot water
  • Bad luck herb mix
  • Blood from black cat
  • Your blood
  • Graveyard dirt
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    So mix all herbs bloods and dirt together. If its still like water, add more graveyard dirt. Put it in still hot bath and mix. You need a black/grey disgusting mess. Close your mouth while going in it.

    Added to on Jan 31, 2017
    Last edited on Jan 28, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #466 - Rid of Stress

    Do this when you're in a bad mood. Helps me a lot.
    You may need:

  • Altar with Candles
  • Lighter
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    You may need:

  • Altar with Candles
  • Lighter
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    First turn off the lights in whatever room your altar is in. If your altar is outside then do nothing. Next light your candles, any type of lighter should work. Next use your hands to push away any bad spirits and energy and imagine positive spirits and energy coming near you. Lady blow out the candles and drip the candle wax onto your hand. You should feel much better very soon!

    Added to on Jan 29, 2017
    Last edited on Jan 29, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #467 - Phantasamal Arrow of Hellish Rebuke

    This is an advanced psychic construct, it's going to require real destain and anger with someone otherwise the matter of the arrow can't be expected to be to potent.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Plant yourself breath in the atmosphere as to not let your anger radiate outwards aimlessly as it would have. Take it back into yourself and feel it build up within your being. Now breathe out imagine your whole body breathing it out of every pore allowing you to release all of that tension

    It gusts around your whole body then cycling back closer and closer wrapping around your shoulder twisting about your arm ultimately swirling into a violent twisting mass in your hands a ball of blackness radiating a burning red from its center

    Recite the words:

    "This is bad luck
    Soon to be yours
    For it was you who plucked my cords
    Now watch as I pluck mine
    And loose this arrow
    The last laugh shall not be thine"

    Lastly envision the ball spin at a contorting speed: Causing it to elongate into a needle like form before it ricochets outwards in their direction.

    Added to on Jan 29, 2017
    Last edited on Aug 03, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #468 - Parking Spot

    Use this spell to get better chance at getting good parking spot
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Envision the place around the parking you want. Conentrate on that image as you say "help me find a good parking spot near (place you want park)"

    Added to on Jan 25, 2017
    Last edited on Jan 28, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #469 - Simple Motivation and Success Potion

    As the title states. You don't have to drink the potion if you don't want to, you can rub some on your skin to cast it too.
    You may need:

  • Coffee
  • Rain water
  • Agate/Jasper/Clear Quartz (only need one but you can use all if you want)
  • Cinnamon
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    You may need:

  • Coffee
  • Rain water
  • Agate/Jasper/Clear Quartz (only need one but you can use all if you want)
  • Cinnamon
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    Gather your rain water (also, if you're going to drink this you should filter/purify your water, rain water is not always safe to drink) and heat it up, using it to brew your coffee.

    Now take your crystal(s) and hold it above or next to your drink to charge the coffee.
    Say: ''with these/this crystal(s) I bless
    this drink for motivation and success
    so I can achieve my goal
    help me take control''

    Now add cinnamon to it for an extra kick (also because it tastes nice) and drink it. If you don't want to/cant drink it then rub some on your

    Added to on Jan 24, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #470 - Wish

    Simple spell works best with people who work with fire.
    You may need:

  • A candle (color that matches your wish
  • A lighter, or match
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    You may need:

  • A candle (color that matches your wish
  • A lighter, or match
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    Cleanse your self and ingredients. Clear your mind. Repeat "wish" over and over while lighting the candle. Meditate on candle and picture the wish coming true. Re-light candle and meditate on the candle everynight until you feel the wish has been granted or the candle has run out.

    Added to on Jan 21, 2017
    Last edited on Jan 21, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    2350 Luck Spells from Spell Casters