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2985 Love Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 2985 Love Spells
2985 Love Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 2985 Love Spells
  1. Break a Couple
  2. How to Be a Fairy
  3. Make someone love you
  4. Make Him Love You
  5. Bring someone back into your life
  6. Magick of the Flower Crush Spell
  7. To Bar The Lies & Hear The Truth
  8. To Bar The Lies & Hear The Truth
  9. To Bring About Compromise
  10. Flowerpot

#2381 - Break a Couple

Use this spell to force someone to split from their partner.
You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Look at the couple you wish to break up and chant:

    "Take tis couple that I see,
    Love is gone unhapply.
    With this spell I know I've won
    Let their love become undone."

    Added to on May 13, 2012
    Last edited on Nov 12, 2016
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2382 - How to Be a Fairy

    Follow the instructions to become a fairy.
    You may need:

  • A piece of the elemental fairy you want to be(like a flower petal for a flower fairy)
  • Your birthstone
  • An open mind
  • Daylight
  • 1 white candle
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    You may need:

  • A piece of the elemental fairy you want to be(like a flower petal for a flower fairy)
  • Your birthstone
  • An open mind
  • Daylight
  • 1 white candle
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    Step 1: When in the day light, take the birthstone and place it in the path of the sun.
    Step 2: Take the element piece and say this spell.

    Oh gods and goddesses, hear my plea
    Make me be a magical fairy
    With the power of(your power)

    Step 3: Hold up the element piece.
    Step 4: Burn the piece in the flames.
    The reverse spell is going to be posted later.

    Added to on May 13, 2012
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2383 - Make someone love you

    This spell will make someone love you.
    You may need:

  • One red Altar Candle. These are large, long-burning candles. Preferably unscented.
  • an Adam and Eve root
  • Paper
  • Rose Oil
  • Something to write with pen, pencil, crayon, blessed pen etc.
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    You may need:

  • One red Altar Candle. These are large, long-burning candles. Preferably unscented.
  • an Adam and Eve root
  • Paper
  • Rose Oil
  • Something to write with pen, pencil, crayon, blessed pen etc.
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    This spell is best cast outdoors, on the night of the new moon.

    First, you will need to know the full name (first, middle, and last) of the person that you wish to make fall in love with you. Throughout the casting of this spell, you need to focus on that person as much as possible. Once you know their full name, write the following on your piece of paper:


    While writing this, you need to focus as much as you can on the feelings you feel for the other person, and what you desire the outcome of the spell to be. Intent is everything when casting a spell.

    When you purchase an Adam and Eve root, it will come with two parts, a male and a female part. Anoint both parts with some Rose Oil, and carry the part that corresponds to your gender. The other part needs to be placed somewhere near the person that you want to fall in love with you. It is important that they spend time around the other half of the root.

    Once this is done, lightly anoint the paper with a small amount of Rose Oil. You will need to burn this paper shortly, so be sure not to use so much that it will not ignite. Anoint the Altar Candle with some Rose Oil as well, and while doing this recite the following:

    ''As this candle burns, while (the person's name) is near the counterpart of this root (raise the half of the root that you kept), this wish (raise the paper) will come true. By earth, wind, fire, and water, so mote it be.''

    Light the candle, and (Carefully!) burn the piece of paper in the flame of the candle. Let the candle burn for roughly two hours, then put it out. Once every day, when you think the person may be near their half of the Root, burn the candle for another two hours. Altar Candles can burn for a very long time, so keep this up. Each time you light it, you should focus on the person you wish to make fall in love with you. If the spell is successful before the candle is spent, you can stop burning the candle, but try to be sure that they stay near the Root. Always, always, always be sure to only burn a candle in a safe place, and never let a candle burn somewhere that you cannot keep an eye on it.

    Added to on May 12, 2012
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2384 - Make Him Love You

    This will make your crush love you if it doesn't work please tell me.
    You may need:

  • 2 Red Candles
  • Alone
  • Voice
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    You may need:

  • 2 Red Candles
  • Alone
  • Voice
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    Think of your crush for few mins 2 or 3 then light up the candles and say:

    "Make my lover (say the full name) love me make him love me how I love him soon he will ask me out, so mote it be!"

    In few days he will love you.

    Added to on May 12, 2012
    Last edited on Nov 29, 2016
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2385 - Bring someone back into your life

    A spell that is meant to compel someone to reenter your life. It fills them with lust for you, or at least lust for the idea of you.
    You may need:

  • Incense (Optional)
  • A crystal/gemstone (Optional)
  • A piece of Quarts (Recommended)
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    You may need:

  • Incense (Optional)
  • A crystal/gemstone (Optional)
  • A piece of Quarts (Recommended)
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    If you are using an incense, light it now.
    Then, holding the gemstone if you've chosen to use on, say:

    ''With faith there is strength, with strength there is power, with power there is Magick always.
    With faith there is strength, with strength there is power, with power there is Magick always.
    With faith there is strength, with strength there is power, with power there is Magick always.
    I call now upon the Wellsprings of Hecate, goddess of Magick, and ask that she lend her might to my spell.''

    Then think of the person you wish to enchant. As you speak the following, visualize it happening.

    ''Now fly to [Full name];
    fill him with a burning lust!
    Reach into he; make him see
    that I am the only man.
    Have [name] think always about me;
    [Full Name] has no control over his mind.

    Upon this day held sacred to the goddess,
    Henceforth shall [name] hold me as an idol,
    ever withing to embrace me.
    [Full Name] is to be obsessed with me.

    As the light fades, so to does the resistance [name] offers.
    Wash over [Full name], wipe from existence any Magick that keeps him free from me.
    The Moon reaches into the sky,
    a silver power that now
    shall vale this spell.
    With the power of Quarts,
    [Name]'s feelings towards me
    are transformed to love.

    Lady Aphrodite, please bless me, and bring
    [Full Name] back into my life.''

    If you have a piece, hold a piece of Quarts throughout the last five lines of the spell.

    Added to on May 10, 2012
    Last edited on Dec 03, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2386 - Magick of the Flower Crush Spell

    This spell will make the person you cast it on have a severe crush on you.
    You may need:

  • 1 Burgandy/dark red flower
  • 1 Light Pink flower
  • 1 White flower
  • 3 close friends (all must believe partly in magick)
  • 3 small white dishes
  • A wand
  • 1 piece of paper w/recipient(s) name(s)
  • 1 red ribbon
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    You may need:

  • 1 Burgandy/dark red flower
  • 1 Light Pink flower
  • 1 White flower
  • 3 close friends (all must believe partly in magick)
  • 3 small white dishes
  • A wand
  • 1 piece of paper w/recipient(s) name(s)
  • 1 red ribbon
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    First, have the youngest friend hold the white flower.
    Second, have the the friend who is in the middle hold the pink flower.
    Third, have the oldest hold the Burgandy/dark red flower, preferably all Roses.
    Fourth, place the plowers on the three small dishes,
    Fifth, have everyone put their hand on the wand and invision white,burgandy, and light pink energy flowing from the wand intothe flowers.
    Sixth, place the flowers on the paper and roll it up like a scrolland tie it with red ribbon. Hide the paper where no one will find it.

    If your making someone fall in love with someone other than yourself, make sure you write both of thier names.

    Added to on May 09, 2012
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2387 - To Bar The Lies & Hear The Truth

    To bar the lies and hear the truth. This spell allows the witch to hear only the truth from others' mouths for the rest of the duration of the current hour, so it's best to perform this at the start of a new hour.
    You may need:

  • Focus/Concentration
  • Willpower
  • Good intention
  • A clock (preferably analog, but digital works fine as well)
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    You may need:

  • Focus/Concentration
  • Willpower
  • Good intention
  • A clock (preferably analog, but digital works fine as well)
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    To perform this spell, look at the clock and observe what time it is: the more into the hour you are, the less time you will have for the duration of the spell, which is why it is best to use this spell at the start of a new hour.

    Look at the Hour Hand on the clock (if you are using a digital clock, just look at the time) and chant these words:

    As this hour passes 'round

    Be these words forever bound

    Bar the lies that seek an ear

    Let the truth be all I hear

    After the hour in which you cast this spell ends, the spell's energy is sufficiently spent and your Magick is done.

    *Witches with negative intentions using this spell to hear the truth from others might find that it does not work for them, or that it backfires in some which way, because this spell's alignment is of good, benevolent Magick and is only to be cast if you truly need to know the truth about something!

    Added to on May 03, 2012
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2388 - To Bar The Lies & Hear The Truth

    To bar the lies and hear the truth. This spell allows the witch to hear only the truth from others' mouths for the rest of the duration of the current hour, so it's best to perform this at the start of a new hour.
    You may need:

  • A clock (preferably analog, but digital works fine as well)
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    You may need:

  • A clock (preferably analog, but digital works fine as well)
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    To perform this spell, look at the clock and observe what time it is: the more into the hour you are, the less time you will have for the duration of the spell, which is why it is best to use this spell at the start of a new hour.

    Look at the Hour Hand on the clock (if you are using a digital clock, just look at the time) and chant these words:

    "As this hour passes 'round
    Be these words forever bound
    Bar the lies that seek an ear
    Let the truth be all I hear"

    After the hour in which you cast this spell ends, the spell's energy is sufficiently spent and your Magick is done.

    * Witches with negative intentions using this spell to hear the truth from others might find that it does not work for them, or that it backfires in some which way, because this spell's alignment is of good, benevolent Magick and is only to be cast if you truly need to know the truth about something!

    Added to on May 03, 2012
    Last edited on Nov 12, 2016
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2389 - To Bring About Compromise

    To bring about compromise. This spell allows the witch to create a compromise in his or her life regarding any area where compromise is needed.
    You may need:

  • 1 White candle
  • Matches or a Lighter
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    You may need:

  • 1 White candle
  • Matches or a Lighter
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    To perform this spell, light the candle and ask that only the most benevolent spirits of compromise and agreements come forth and be present in your Magick working. Give thanks to these spirits. Next, while thinking of the situation in which you need a compromise, chant:

    Through ( their minds / his / her mind ) send,
    Compliant thoughts, and kindness lend,
    To ( their hearts / his / her heart ), decisions mend.
    From pure lies, a compromise rend".

    If you performed the spell correctly, the flame on the candle should do something very forward to let you know that the spell has indeed taken effect.

    For instance: one example would be if the flame dims, completely canceling the reflection of the flame's light on the candle's surface, and then comes back alive to resume all candle light, both reflective and otherwise, then that would be a definite sign from above that your spell has taken effect.

    Added to on May 02, 2012
    Last edited on Mar 26, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2390 - Flowerpot

    Strong effective spell that attracts someone to you.
    You may need:

  • Seeds
  • Flowerpot
  • Soil
  • Copper coin
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    You may need:

  • Seeds
  • Flowerpot
  • Soil
  • Copper coin
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    Consecrate the coin bless it with salt water before you do the ritual take the coin outside in the moonlight, hold it in the light and focus your thoughts on the one you desire falling in love with you. Once you feel ready, take the coin inside and cast the circle. Place the coin inside the pot, put the soil inside the pot and plant the seeds.

    If the seeds take root and grow the spell will work. If they die after a short while or don't sprout at all, it wasn't meant to be.

    Added to on May 02, 2012
    Last edited on Nov 11, 2016
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    2985 Love Spells from Spell Casters