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2958 Health Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 2958 Health Spells
2958 Health Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 2958 Health Spells
  1. Become a Vampire
  2. A Powerful Vampire Spell
  3. Circle Of Life
  4. Become A Vampire WIth Witchcraft.
  5. Thy Vampire Spell
  6. Thy Vampire Spell: BeccaSullen.
  7. Get What You Wished For
  8. Protect from Pain
  9. Becca's Vampire Spell
  10. Becca's Werewolf Spell 2

#2491 - Become a Vampire

A spell to turn yourself into a vampire.
You may need:

  • A little bit of blood
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    You may need:

  • A little bit of blood
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    It has to be dark and you have to be inside your bedroom and say this chant one time.

    "Vampires one and vampires all I wish to be a vampire. THis life is boring there is never anythign new. That's why I ask of you to make me one of your kind. So make it me."

    Then drink the blood (don't need alot of blood just a little) then say

    "Transformation, transformation, come to me, Make me what it is I wish to be make me a vampire. Now nothing will ever be the same. So make it be."

    And then the next morning you will become a vampire.

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    #2492 - A Powerful Vampire Spell

    This spell turns you into a vampire in 30 seconds.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    It has to be dark and you can be either inside or outside. You take a symbol that means something to you and put it on. Then close your eyes and focus on you becoming a vampire and never turning back. Focus on the things you want to be able to do like for example running fast, super senses, etc. And then say this chant three times with your eyes opened.

    "I invoke the spirits and I want to say I'm tired of this boring life. There is never anything new, everything is the same, and there is nothing to do and there never will be anything exciting in this boring life. So that's why I want to become a vampire. Please, make it true.

    Nothing will ever be the same, drinking blood with extraordinary thirst, and never be tamed.
    After tonight, everyone will see, nothing will ever be the same. So make me a vampire. It shall be. Give me red eyes when thirsty. I call the spirits to make this me. So mote it be."

    Side effects: Dizziness, and pale skin.

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    #2493 - Circle Of Life

    This spell brings something that you love dearly to life.
    You may need:

  • Woodinam
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    You may need:

  • Woodinam
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    First thing you have to do is you have to lay the woodinam down on the floor and you say this chant three times.

    "Love of life, I louve this man he loves me so make him a human so that we can be able to be together. He shall have a soul, he shall be able to move his arms to wrap them around me, he shall be able to move his legs to to run to chase me through the yard he shall be able to talk to me with the sweetiest voice there ever was. So make htis him. Make him what I wish he could be. Make him a human. So make it him. so mote it be."

    Say that chant three times when its daylight and you have to be outside. And then as soon as you say this chant three times kiss the woodinman three times. And then in three days he will come to life.

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    #2494 - Become A Vampire WIth Witchcraft.

    This spell turns you into a vampire.
    You may need:

  • A picture of yourself.
  • a butter knife.
  • A piece of paper.
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    You may need:

  • A picture of yourself.
  • a butter knife.
  • A piece of paper.
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    Take a piece of paper and make a pentagram on it and place it on the floor and then place the picture in the middle of the pentagram and say lay the butter knife beside the picture and say this chant one time.

    "Vampires one and vampires all I wish to be a vampire. I shall be uncontrollable, I shall go crazy for blood, I shall become a vampire. I shall burn in the sunlight. It shall leave marks on my skin. I shall no longer have a soul, I shall not be able to control myself, I shall be a vampire. I shall have pale skin. I shall become what it is that I want to become. I drag to hell which comes to a bell. God of hell I ask for you to make me a vampire. I shall die and be reborn but not as a human but as a vampire. (Now take the knife and stab the picture one time) Now I have died and been reborn but not as a human but as a vampire. Now I have rejected my soul. I shall live forever without ever ageing. I shall be forever more frozen at the age of thirteen. So make this me."

    Say that chant one time and when you go to bed and you wake up you will be a vampire

    Side effects are: Dizziness, headaches, blood thirsts, bellyaches, children that you give birth to. and that's pretty much it.

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    #2495 - Thy Vampire Spell

    This spell turns you into a vampire the next day when you wake up.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    It has to be dark outside and you have to be inside your bedroom and you have to be sitting in the middle of the floor and you close your eyes and think of you and the abilities that you want to be able to have. And then you open your eyes and you say this chant one time.

    "I drop the paint I lose my mind I shall search the world for more blood I shall constantly crave blood, I shall have a uncontrolable thirst for blood. I shall become what it is that I wish to become I shall become a vampire. SO make this me. I shall burn in the sunlight. It shall cause pain to me if I am in the sunlight. I shall want blood. I shall become a vampire so make this me make me a vampire. I am a vampire. I shall no longer be a vampire. I shall be uncontrolable. So make it me."

    Say that chant one time and then drop the wet color paint on the piece of paper made into a pentagram and then you will become a vampire. Then in the morning when you wake up you will be a vampire.

    Side effects are: dizziness, headaches, you will sleep until 12 or 1 in the evening and won't go to sleep until 2 a.m in the morning, eyes change color, and feeling strange.

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    #2496 - Thy Vampire Spell: BeccaSullen.

    this spell turns you into a vampire. enjoy.
    You may need:

  • night time.
  • alone time.
  • inside.
  • nothing.
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    You may need:

  • night time.
  • alone time.
  • inside.
  • nothing.
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    First off you set in the floor and you say this chant one time not more than once or else it won't work.

    ''I shall be frozen at the age of thirteen. I shall never age. I shall live forever without ever ageing. Pale skin grow so white. I shall no longer be able to be in the sunlight. It shall cause pain to me and leave red marks on my skin. I shall have super speed, I shall have super strength. I shall have red eyes when thirsty for blood. I shall no be able to be in the sunlight without my sun protection ring (describe ring) on. Make me a vampire. So make it me.''

    Say that chant one time. ANd you will be a vampire the next morning.

    Side effects are: really bad headaches, change in sleeping times, and seeing increases.

    NOTE: THis spell is perminate and you can't turn back.

    Afterwards you will be able to

    Run really fast, have super streangth, have really good hearing, have uncontrolable blood thirsts.

    You lose all control of your mind cause you've rejected your soul and you will just be blood thirsty.

    Good Luck.

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    #2497 - Get What You Wished For

    Very simple to do. Use this spell to achieve a wish.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Get into a relaxed and comfortable state. Think of what your wish is, what you want to happen. Say to yourself that it will happen and focus on that. Visualize it happening in your head. Keep acting and telling yourself that it will happen.

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    #2498 - Protect from Pain

    If you have a small pain in your body, like a pinch/cramp or even a headache, this simple but nowhere near basic spell will do the trick.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Imagine a force field surrounding that part of your body. For headaches, imagine it around your inner mind, or brain, or even third eye/sixth sense. This spell is mainly based on belief but also partially works from the actual magick within yourself and the spell. Since it does not require much work it is convenient and easy to remember and do in a fix.

    This does not work for open wounds or obvious scabs. For the two latter it works to relieve some pains for short periods of time, although may not completely work for a few people. Since this is mainly based on belief and birth or studied power, it doesn't always work but if you are true to your magick and elemental powers it shall take you on the path of healing.

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    #2499 - Becca's Vampire Spell

    this spell turns you into a vampire as soon as you do this spell.
    You may need:

  • Bedroom
  • Bed
  • Night time
  • Alone time
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    You may need:

  • Bedroom
  • Bed
  • Night time
  • Alone time
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    You have to be inside and it has to be night and you have to be in your bedroom. You have to be sitting on yor bed. Then you say this chant only one time:

    "I make a life commitment ot be neither living nor dead. I wish to be a vampire. On this night. No longer will I live the way others do. I shall become a vampire. I shall burn in the sunlight. The sunlight shall cause pain to me. I shall be able to run up to 40 miles per hour, I shall be able to use mind control on other people. I shall be able to live forever without ever ageing. I shall be frozen at the age of 13. So make this me. This is who I wish to be make me what I want to be make me a vampire. I shall have an uncontrolable thrist for blood, I shall want blood every momment of everyday, I shall become a blood crazed monster that only cares about blood. This is who I want to be make me what I desire to be make me what I want to be make me a vampire. I'm no longer a human I am a vampire and I shall be a vampire with no way out of it. I shall become a vampire. No longer shall I be a human. Human doesn't belong vampire does. So make this me. make me what I wish to be make me a vampire! Make me a blood crazed monster. I shall live for blood, I shall crave blood, So make this me. make me a true ripper. Make me a vampire. I shall want blood every momment of every day. I shall have very pale skin. And ifI ever tocuh vervain it shall burn and cause pain to me. With pointy fangs. So make this me. So mote it be."

    That's the spell say it only one time in your bed room at night and then as soon as you do this spell you will become a vampire.

    NOTE: Can't turn back into a human ever.

    Now on the account of the fact that this spell works so fast there are no side effects.


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    #2500 - Becca's Werewolf Spell 2

    This spell turns you into a werewolf (girls only)
    You may need:

    You may need:


    First off it has to be daylight and you have to be outside and then you say this chant three times.

    "Werewolves of the moon, I wish to be one of your kind. I wish to be a werewolf. I shall be able to turn into a werewolf every night when I see the moon. So make this me. So mote it be."

    That's the chant say it three times when it's daylight and you have to be outside and then that night you will turn into a werewolf. You turn into a werewolf every night when you see the moon.

    Becca Sullen.

    Side effects are: Growling often and howling often.

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    2958 Health Spells from Spell Casters