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2947 Health Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 2947 Health Spells
2947 Health Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 2947 Health Spells
  1. Healing Spell
  2. Friend's Seal
  3. Lemon Ring
  4. Another Vampire Spell. A Vampire Diaries Spell.
  5. Anti-Flu Potion
  6. Poison Ivy
  7. Rosemary Herbal Tea
  8. Become a Werewolf
  9. Growing Potion
  10. To Vanquish a Ghost Demon

#2511 - Healing Spell

This spells is to heal minor injuries. I hope it will do you well.
You may need:

  • Nothing is included except your hands and your mind.
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    You may need:

  • Nothing is included except your hands and your mind.
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    Blow softly on your hands. Then rub them together fastly until they are hot. Then when their hot place them upon the minor injury. When you take you hands off, they should be healed.

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    #2512 - Friend's Seal

    This spell will give some of your magick to friend(witch or not) by putting it into an object. A good easy spell that works.
    You may need:

  • Paper
  • Pen
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    You may need:

  • Paper
  • Pen
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    Fist get your paper and draw a circle with a 5 pointed star in it. In the center of the star write the name of your god(ess) you worship, in a circle, and in the middle of that circle write your friends name. Then in each point of the star write what it is you wish to seal(being able to control their powers better, protection, an element, luck, etc.) Something in each point, but in one point put "I conceal (1/4, 2/4, 3/4, etc.) Of my power into this seal".

    Then place the object(ring, bracelet, ring, charm, etc) into the center of the star(on top of the name) and 3 times you must chant what you have written in each point. After each time you finish chanting, say "in the name of (god/goddess), I give(how ever much power you put in this seal) of my power to (your friends name)."

    After saying this 3 times, blow on the seal(without picking it up) and then remove it from the paper. After this u should feel some what over whelmed or drained and might need to lay or even feel its hard to breath. This may last about an hour depending on how much power you put in the seal. Then when you give the seal to your friend, have them blow on it as well.

    Note- this seal will eventually run out of power and can only be repowered by the maker(you) using this same spell. Depending on how much power is in it

    • 1/4 of your power- up to 3 months
    • 2/4 of your power- up to 6 months
    • 3/4 of your power- up to 9 months
    • 4/4 of your power- 12 months(1 year)

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    #2513 - Lemon Ring

    To help make problems go away.
    You may need:

  • Ink pen
  • Yellow paper
  • Lemon
  • A knife (to cut the lemon)
  • Small plate
  • Cup of salt(sea salt or table)
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    You may need:

  • Ink pen
  • Yellow paper
  • Lemon
  • A knife (to cut the lemon)
  • Small plate
  • Cup of salt(sea salt or table)
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    Take the pen and paper and make a list of all the problems in your life, and the possible practical solutions.Take a look at the list and see how many you can accomplish today.Now set your to do list aside. Cut the ends of the lemon off. Then slice the lemon into 5 equal slices.Arrage the slices on the small plate in a circle, in a rough star shape.As you sprinkle the lemons with salt ,completely cover them up (use plenty of salt) and repeat the following charm:

    "In this lovely ring of lemon rounds,
    no more anger will be found.
    Sour feelings go to sour fruit,
    pay attention now, I'm giving you the boot.
    Salt breaks up negativity and bad luck,
    my love and energy sets this spell free.
    by the power of three times three,
    as I will it, so must it be."

    Repeat three times. On the last verse, take your index figure and draw a counterclockwise spiral over the plate. Draw the spiral faster and faster, higher and higher until you fling the energy off your hand and out into the world. Brush your hands off three times three and announce: "The spell is sealed".

    Now take the list and try to accomplish them in one week leaving the lemons undisturbed ... they need to dry out completely ... add more salt if needed ... when there dried out and shriveled up throw them away along with your accomplished list.

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    Last edited on Oct 07, 2016
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    #2514 - Another Vampire Spell. A Vampire Diaries Spell.

    this spell makes you a vampire like the ones from the vampire diaries. you burn in the sunlight unless you have some kind of ring on that'll protect you from the sun. you don't need a full moon it just has to be night or day but better effect at night.and good luck. and this spell is premenit once you turn there is no going back. side effects are: craving blood,fangs, throat hurting,belly hurts, tooth aches but nothing series.srry for my bad spelling.
    You may need:

  • night time.
  • lay down on a bed.
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    You may need:

  • night time.
  • lay down on a bed.
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    lay down on a bed and say this chant one time:

    ''gods and godesses i wish to no longer live no longer shall i live like others or drink or eat human food no longer shall i live i wish to die right here on this bed and be reborn but not as human but as a vampire. that i crave blood. that i live for blood. that i no longer eat or drink that everytime i'm in the sunlight i burn. but when i'm not in the sunlight i don't burn. tonight on this night i wish to no longer be a human to be a vampire. with pointy teeth. So mote it be!''

    say that one time the after that you will feel dizzy. and then you will feel different than what you usally do it takes three days for the transofmation to be complete. and then after three days you'll be a vampire. and you will be immortal and will not age.

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    #2515 - Anti-Flu Potion

    Brew up a potion to get rid of the flu and its symptoms
    You may need:

  • Sliced Cucumber
  • Pot
  • Chicken broth
  • Tsp. holy water
  • Basil
  • Parsley
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    You may need:

  • Sliced Cucumber
  • Pot
  • Chicken broth
  • Tsp. holy water
  • Basil
  • Parsley
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    Make the chicken broth and put it in the pot on the stove. heat up untill warm. Then, add sliced cucumber and holy water. Brew for 20-30 minutes or until warm. Add parsley and basil. Stir. Then, drink up! Take a nap afterwards and when you wake up, you will feel better

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    #2516 - Poison Ivy

    This is spell that traps your enemy in poison ivy.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    You must be in a nature area for this to work, otherwise the poison ivy will not grow. Say:

    "Poison ivy all around,
    Come above and become bound,
    To my enemy, as if they are grass,
    Make it so he(she) will die fast."

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    #2517 - Rosemary Herbal Tea

    Its a tea that brings success, health, prosperity, strength, love, purifying.
    You may need:

  • Rosemary
  • Any amount of sugar
  • A pot and water
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    You may need:

  • Rosemary
  • Any amount of sugar
  • A pot and water
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    Start to pour water in your pot. Shortly after add in any amount of rosemary that you would like. Let the water come to a boil then turn of the stove so the water stops boiling or you can keep boiling the rosemary water for as long as you like as long as you dont over do it so keep the magickal properties of the rosemary in the water. Water evaporates and rise, with that follows the properties of the rosemary that was added and thats a no no. You can strain the water so you dont drink down the rosemary or leave it as it is and pour it into a cup. Add any amount of sugar you'd like and drink.

    NOTE: All properties and magickal advancements given to you by the tea will come fast or slow depending on the person and there belief in the teas magickal helping abilities.
    Blessed Be!

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    #2518 - Become a Werewolf

    This is a werewolf spell I found. I'm not the one who wrote it. And I haven't try it but some say it works. Try it if you want to find out.
    You may need:

  • Strand of your hair
  • Nail clipping
  • Drop of blood
  • Boiling water.
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    You may need:

  • Strand of your hair
  • Nail clipping
  • Drop of blood
  • Boiling water.
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    Mix them together whilst saying:

    "I beg to bewolf in dark and light,
    I beg to be a prowler of the night,
    I beg to thee to make it soon,
    I want to be wolf at the next full moon."

    Bury the mixture under a tree, and wait untill the next full moon. When the next full moon comes, go back to where you buried it, water it. And you will feel a strange feeling, then you should change.

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    #2519 - Growing Potion

    Makes you grow 6 inches.
    You may need:

  • A cup
  • 1/2 cups of water
  • 1 whole bottle of twang pickle salt
  • 1 piece of your own hair
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    You may need:

  • A cup
  • 1/2 cups of water
  • 1 whole bottle of twang pickle salt
  • 1 piece of your own hair
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    Pour the water, salt and hair into the cup. Chant: "Gods and Goddess, give me the power I beg of you. When I drink this potion, I will grow six more inches. So mote it be". Drink up!

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    #2520 - To Vanquish a Ghost Demon

    Are you being attacked by a ghost demon? This spell is the only one that will work.
    You may need:

  • 8 red candles
  • 1 drop of blood
  • 1 bowl
  • 1 or 2 cups of water
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    You may need:

  • 8 red candles
  • 1 drop of blood
  • 1 bowl
  • 1 or 2 cups of water
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    First, you must make a circle with the eight red candles then light them. Put the bowl in the middle of the circle. Fill the bowl with water. put a single drop of blood in the water. If necessary, you may do two. Then say: "Vanquish this demon, vanquish His Spirit, vanquish his soul, vanquish him all." say that 3 times.

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    2947 Health Spells from Spell Casters