1532 Fantasy Spells from Spell Casters
- Vampire Spell (Child of the Night)
- Incarnation Mutations
- Bedtime Tea
- Become an Okami
- Transformaton
- Sylph Spell
- Air Dragons roar (wind stopping spell)
- Water Dragons Healing spell
- How To Shapeshift - A Native American Technique For Transformation
- Summon a mermaid tail
#111 - Vampire Spell (Child of the Night)
- Dark is right, Light to fight make me into a child of the night. x10
#112 - Incarnation Mutations
I've been in the nonhuman community a VERY long time. Longer than most I would believe, and with many disputes rising about being born nonhuman or it being purely spiritual have me in confusion and theorizing about the truth of the matter.
On the side of being born nonhuman, there lies many plot holes and inconsistencies. If you were born a werewolf, then that means your parents would also have to be werewolves, your grandparents, and so on. It would be traceable all the way back to the first werewolf. If it is dominant, then everyone in your family would be a werewolf. If it is recessive, then everyone would have to carry the gene or gene sets. This is a problem, mostly due to how rare even werewolves are, and how if so many people carried it or were werewolves for it to have to "spread", then werewolves would not be rare. Werewolves would be everywhere and everyone would know about them. There is no way a gene expression could go unnoticed throughout history for everyone in one family to be a wolf or wolf carrier and you to be the only "born shifter". Therefore shifting must not be an inherited trait.
On the spiritual side, there are also many inconsistencies. If spirituality is the only key to physically shifting, then why can't everyone who is nonhuman in soul shift? How come the majority of people who attempt to shift fail, despite being mermaid incarnates or wolf therians? Why are so many people able to mentally and phantom shift, but physically they cannot? You could argue they just don't try, but I have met plenty of otherkin and therians who have tried p shifting for years, but they cannot do it. Therefore, shifting must not be a purely spiritual phenomenon either.
I have come up with an answer that appeases both fronts and makes the most sense out of any theory. I call it Incarnation Mutations.
In this theory, I like to say "If you are meant to be it, you already are it". This may seem confusing, however it makes a lot of sense. If you are meant to be a dragon in this life, then you already are a dragon in this life. If you are meant to be a wolf shifter in this life, then no matter your parents or your heritage, you are already a wolf shifter.
Expanding upon this, i believe that due to fate and destiny, because you are meant to be (insert species here) then your soul mutates your genes and phenotype upon incarnation, bypassing the need for your parents to all be shifters. If you were sent here to be a dragon, then your purpose has mutated your body to be one, regardless of what it had to overcome.
This theory appeases the genetic argument because yes, if your mom was meant to be a wolf and your dad was meant to be a wolf, then you would be a wolf from genetics. But it is also spiritual, because your soul and destiny have influenced your body upon incarnation.
#113 - Bedtime Tea
- please prey to yourself before drinking your tea, this is a bed time ritual please think it can also be hard to sleep at night all you New night owls..
- I know this is intense please breath in and out a few times
- wait patiently till the water boils up
- think for yourself
- remember to chant I love when the whole thing is done
- six make sure you are prepared
- convrese with your tea
- makesure you but a big scoop of ice cream in makes awhole lotta difference
- good luck enjoy your sleep
#114 - Become an Okami
Firstly, place the amethyst and the clear quartz to the west and east of the bowl of water. Place the wolf figurine at the north side of the bowl, and place the bay leaf to the south.
Place the rosemary inside the water. Recite
"Make me an okami, who howls like the wind, let free the wolf that sleeps deep within. Give me a tail, of (color) and grace, give me (color) ears above my own face."
This spell is currently untested, but from my own experience, it'll likely take a minimum of a week to work, and is at its best when used in conjunction with subliminals.
#115 - Transformaton
#116 - Sylph Spell
- You need to go outside for this to work better. Sit down or stand up in the grass. Make sure you are in the sun.
- Imagine that you have turned into the tree that you wish to take the form of. Imagine the breeze through your leaves, your body a tree trunk, etc, etc.
- Say this chant with force and emotion, like you really mean it:
"New and Old
Trees of Green
Hear my plea
I wish to be like you
But only half, please
Whenever I wish,
Whenever I want,
I shall turn into the tree I imagine
This is my wish,
This is my will,
So mote it be"
Wait around a day for the spell to take effect.
#117 - Air Dragons roar (wind stopping spell)
Try and sound needy or pleading wind dragons are prideful sand never want to see seen as weaker then you
" I pray to you oh mighty sky dragon; please ceace your endless roar so that I might have safe passage; I do not ask much but by this small act I will be greatful to you; so mote it be."
If you believe in dragons a great deal then you should feel the wind drop kind of fast if your not much of a believer the gist should drop to a breeze or so.
#118 - Water Dragons Healing spell
Place both hands in water and concentrate on placing your energy threw the water the recite:
"Oh water dragon hear my cry; allow me to use your power to my creation! I will not use your power to harm but only in health; I am not an enemy nor do I use you; so please allow me to heal at your wish; so mote it be..."
You do not want to yell the last part for it may scare the dragon away. After you finish reciting the spell wash the part of you that is injured and it should slowly heal faster in the water.
Last edited on May 24, 2022
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#119 - How To Shapeshift - A Native American Technique For Transformation
Exercise: How to Shape-Shift
1. Close your eyes and allow yourself to become deeply relaxed. As a suggestion, have a friend drum a very steady, continuous beat. (This is a traditional method to shape-shift.) Or play music designed for relaxation, which can help you enter into an altered state of consciousness.
2. Imagine that your body is metamorphosing into another form. It can be anything you choose. Take time to experience fully how that other being feels.
3. With your eyes closed, allow your body to move subtly, almost unperceptively while feeling yourself changing into another shape.
4. Really imagine that you’ve become that animal, plant, mineral, or even another person. Involve all your senses. Imagine what you would smell, taste, hear, and feel. For example, if you become a wolf, imagine having an acute ability to smell. If you become an eagle, imagine your eyesight to be very sharp and far-seeing.
5. Afterward, while it’s still fresh in your memory, make notes about your experience.
When you can see the world through the experience of something else, it deepens your compassion profoundly. For example, if you’ve had a terrible argument with your spouse and you shape-shift to view things through his or her eyes, you might find that your anger subsides. Or if you’re depressed because you were passed over for a job promotion, you might shape-shift to experience life through the eyes of a robin and ultimately realize that the universe is much more vast and wondrous than the arena of your job. Your depression pales in comparison to the joy of flight and the exhilaration of bursting into song.
Sometimes I imagine myself seeing through the eyes of another person. When I can see the world through his or her eyes, it allows me to have greater compassion and understanding. I’ve found this particularly helpful when I’ve been having a challenging time with others. When I view the world through their eyes, I’m usually less critical of them.
Activating the native spirit within you means that you recognize that we live in a mysterious, splendid universe. You know that Creation is filled with spirit beings, land spirits, little people, angels, and ancestors; and you know there are ways to travel into these realms through vision quests, storytelling, dreams, astral traveling, and shape-shifting.
Once you step into a native perception of reality, the universe becomes much richer and fuller. In a very practical way, this allows you to see the truth in life. Instead of believing what you hear and see, more often you believe and trust what you feel and know in your heart. You’ll find yourself being aware of the deeper truths in life and making decisions accordingly. This can positively transform your life.
Last edited on Apr 16, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#120 - Summon a mermaid tail
To commence the spell, you must enter the ocean in between dusk and midnight. Hold your seashell in your left hand, and close your eyes. You must be waist deep in the water, with your legs together. Wear swimsuit bottoms of the color that you wish your tail to be. Once you are ready, recite this:
Oh mermaids and spirits of the sea, here my plea,
I wish to be a mermaid like thee.
When I enter the sea, and hold this shell,
My legs will become a tail, and I will be able to breath underwater.
I believe in thee, so hear my plea,
Mote it be!
Then, wait for three seconds with your eyes still closed, and still holding your shell, then walk out of the ocean.
You must continue to believe, even though it may take time.
I hope this spell works for you, and maybe one day we will cross paths in the sea!