2477 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters
- Scars Vanish
- Scars Vanish
- Hair Growth Potion
- Real Magick Mermaid
- Become an Angel
- Earth Jump
- Black Magic
- Fearless
- Summoning of Seth
- Rose Beauty Bath
#881 - Scars Vanish
Natural beauty comes so fast natural beauty forever last there vanish scars (than you pic a body part that has scars and touch the bodypart when you say there).
Last edited on Aug 28, 2015
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#882 - Scars Vanish
"Natural beauty comes so fast natural beauty forever lasts. Vanish scars there (say the body part you want the scars to vanish)"
Last edited on Sep 16, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#883 - Hair Growth Potion
Find a mistletoe to collect before it hits the ground (Never let it touch the earth's soil). Take as much as you will need. Grind the mistletoe in your mortar until it is powder. Mix the powder with the hair grease (fine mix). Oil scap of hair every day for one week. Results will show by day seven
Last edited on Sep 16, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#884 - Real Magick Mermaid
Go outside, do this on natural sand or rock. mix all the oils together in a bottle and drip the oils in order to form a pentagram. Place a light blue candle in the center of the pentagram, light it. Wait till the oils have dried and the pentagram is no longer visable. Sit behind the candle and using the needle, draw the ocean symbol in ancient hieroglyphics . Put both hands high above the flame and feel the smoke go between your fingers (this symbolizes water running between your hands). Close your eyes and meditate until your mind is clear and recite the words beow.
"Sirens of the seven seas
An ocean nymph is my aspiration
My need my plea
To be granted through my incantation
Denature my body
No need of these two bottom limbs
But a tail for me to disembody
Vital force of living to swim
A human albeit dry
Mermaid howbeit wet
The will of god be done"
Last edited on Apr 29, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#885 - Become an Angel
If you have the other 2 candles, line them up in this order: dark green, white, light blue. Light them. If only the white, just place it on its own and light it. Wave the feather above the candle, high enough so the flame doesn't make it warm. While waving the feather, say this spell:
Grant me your form,
The pure talons,
The white feathers,
I will to be an angel,
So mote it be"
Side effects:
- Wanting to eat demons
- Obsession on swooping down on things and grabbing them
- Longer, sharper, talon-like toenails
- Growing feathers
- Lips are sharper and harder like a beak
- Eye colour changing
Changing from an angel back to a human: To change into an angel when you think it's worked, say "My angel form, awaken, for I need it now". To change back, claw the ground 5 times.
Last edited on Sep 16, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#886 - Earth Jump
Get a run up and just before you jump shout "Earth Jump"
Last edited on Sep 16, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#887 - Black Magic
First you need to add the cologne on the cup. Then add the flower to the cup it should smell nice. Add some things that comes from you like tears. Then add the lavender
Slice the apple to tiny pieces. And mix them together after they are mix put away the flowers and bury it in the garden. Then pray for better and pretty looks to god.
And then try the perfume you made - let's see if you can attract the boys.
Last edited on Sep 09, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#888 - Fearless
Just chant this spell 5 times
"Things that give me fright
This that send chills through my spine
Shall be here no more
I will now have no fear
Send my fears away
And never come back for days
I ask for this in my plea
Grant this to me
So mote it be"
Last edited on Sep 09, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#889 - Summoning of Seth
Look online, look up Set Demon Sigil, draw sigil on paper. Pray to your true god "Lord Satan, by your grace, i Pray thee the power to concieve in my mind , The Great Demon Set, O Mighty Satan the one true god who livest forever." The demon will stay in your mind for the day. It will not "possess" you, or "harm" you.
Last edited on Sep 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#890 - Rose Beauty Bath
1. As you run the warm bath water ground yourself. Hold the herbs in your projective (usually dominant) hand and repeat the chant twice, visualizing yourself radiating beauty as their energies mix with yours.
2. Place the herbs in the cloth and tie it up, repeating step one with the satchel.
3. Feel the herbs energies mixing with yours. Welcome their natural power and beauty allowing it to flow up your arm, into your center, and then flowing throughout your body as you visualize your goal.
4. Place the satchel in the tub and visualize its energies flowing into the water. With this image in your mind chant until you feel the water is ready.
5. As you get in the water allow its energy to flow into you, keeping the image of your beauty in your mind as you soak. Feel the herbs and the water cleansing you of all negative self-image thoughts.
6.Take the satchel and hold it against your face, rubbing in slow circles as you would a normal wash. Continue to visualize and chant as you do so.
7. When you feel as though you are done exit the tub and keep the satchel.
Notes: The cloth used to create the satchel should be light blue or pink as these colors are associated with beauty but this is optional. This can be repeated as many times as you feel necessary, but I would recommend adding more herbs each time. As an additional tip drink plenty of water, this will give your skin a healthier glow.
Last edited on Apr 10, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.