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60 Spiritual Spells from Element Magick

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60 Spiritual Spells from Element Magick

Included in this list of 60 Spiritual Spells
  1. Breaking a Curse - Aura Cleanse
  2. Breaking a Curse - Rosemary Bath
  3. Removing Negative Energy
  4. Protection Methods
  5. Love Blessing Candle
  6. To Calm and Center Your Emotions
  7. Call Water Spirits
  8. End Your Oppressor
  9. Calling Forest Spirit's
  10. Flames Within
#1 - #10
#21 - #30
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#1 - Breaking a Curse - Aura Cleanse

Breaking the curse with an Aura Cleanse.
You may need:

  • Whole fresh lemon
  • Sea Salt
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    You may need:

  • Whole fresh lemon
  • Sea Salt
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    Start off by cutting a fresh whole lemon in half.
    Sprinkle each side generously with sea salt.
    Take a half of a lemon and move it over your body as you visualize how it pulls out the negative energy. Repeat with the other half of a lemon.
    Repeat this process over a number of days or until you feel the curse has been lifted.

    Added to on Aug 27, 2021
    Part of the Element Magick Library.

    #2 - Breaking a Curse - Rosemary Bath

    Breaking a curse with a Rosemary Bath
    You may need:

  • Epsom salts
  • Rosemary essential oil
  • Chamomile tea
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    You may need:

  • Epsom salts
  • Rosemary essential oil
  • Chamomile tea
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    Start off by taking a shower, cleansing yourself as you normally would.
    When you're done with your shower fill the tub with warm water.
    Add 2 cups of Epsom salts.
    then add 10 drops of rosemary essential oil.
    Lastly, add two bags or equivalent of loose tea to the bath water.

    After all ingredients are in, begin meditation. Clear your mind of all thought.
    After this is complete, allow the negativity of the curse to wash away with the bathwater.

    Added to on Aug 27, 2021
    Part of the Element Magick Library.

    #3 - Removing Negative Energy

    A beginners spell for negative energy removal.
    You may need:

  • 1 white candle with holder
  • Sea salt
  • Holy water
  • Lavender Oil
  • Small bowl
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    You may need:

  • 1 white candle with holder
  • Sea salt
  • Holy water
  • Lavender Oil
  • Small bowl
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    1. Begin by grounding yourself.
    2. Cast your circle, then place the candle with holder in front of you unlit.
    3. Place your bowl below your candle and add the Holy Water. About half a cup.
    4. Add a pinch of Sea Salt.
    5. Add 3 drops of Lavender Oil.
    6. Mix well with your finger.
    7. Once mixed, light your candle.

    Repeat this chant:

    "Clean I am, clean I be,
    take darkness and evil away from me."

    Repeat this chant until you begin to feel the negative energy begin to lift away from you. Once you feel that, extinguish the candle.

    Added to on Aug 13, 2021
    Last edited on Aug 13, 2021
    Part of the Element Magick Library.

    #4 - Protection Methods

    General list of protection methods and their uses.
    You may need:

    You may need:

    Introduction to Protection Methods

    As you begin this journey, you will hear a few different things from those of us you’d consider to be ‘’experienced’’ witches and practitioners. One, that research is your best friend and number one provider and priority for this path. Which is true and we’ll dive into that topic more efficiently later in our next lesson. Two, that protection is a must – and though both of those statements are entirely true, no one ever takes the time to explain why.

    For our first beginner’s lesson, the first thing I’d like to touch base on are the different types of protection methods and how to use them efficiently in your practice. One of the biggest questions we get asked almost on a daily basis is: what are protection methods, and why are they necessary?

    So, let’s explain; it doesn’t matter if you’re a practitioner or just a salesman at a retail store, you hold the right to be able to protect yourself however you see fit. There are several different ways to protect yourself spiritually and physically, so let’s get to them.

    The first type of protection we’re going to go over is – salt. From sea salt to black salt, to even Himalayan Pink salt. It can be used a general powerhouse for protection and cleansing.

    To make Black Salt; get a mortar and pestle (or something to grind/ground things up), sea salt (or any salt you have available), and the ashes from your incense or smoke cleansings or the ashes from a spell that you burned. Grind all the ingredients up until the color turns black and you’re done. You can add herbs and anything else you think is necessary, but I personally think sticking to the simplicity of these three items pack the most punch.

    To use your black salt now, you can sprinkle it in your doorways or windowsills (if you’re in the broom closet or don’t want to deal with the mess of the salt, then you can open your window and sprinkle a thing layer in the track then close the window), you can add this to spells and use it in rituals; to open and cast circles, to enchant items. Add this to anything regarding protection.

    Something I discovered several months ago which surprised me completely with how efficiently it works is crystal dust. It sounds like the oddest thing, and at first, I was pissed because it was extremely disrespectful to grind up the crystals and crush them in such a way. However, I decided to purchase a small bag of black tourmaline crystal dust and let me just tell you. I add it to my black salt now, and it has become an incredible power source for protection.

    This is just a small reminder from me to you that even when we feel very close minded about something, sometimes (most times), it ends up benefiting us to be open minded and try new things.

    Talisman’s/Amulets: Talismans are something that has been charged with a specific purpose. Like a piece of clothing charged with protection or shielding, your pen for prosperity/etc. An Amulet is something (typically a piece of jewelry) that has been charged with a specific energy for protection against evil, danger or disease. These can be so many different objects that their purposes are limitless.

    Shielding/Visualization: Shielding is something that is used to protect yourself mostly from outside energies. Empaths and those with any of the Clair abilities or even those with sensory overload issues will use shielding as a way to protect themselves from unwanted emotions/thoughts/feelings.

    In order to do this properly, you have to have somewhat of an understanding of energy manipulation or at least how to control your own energy to do what you need it to. One of the ways to do this is to ground yourself beforehand by closing your eyes and taking in deep breaths

    Sigils/Symbols: Sigils and symbols are a fantastic way to discreetly achieve what you need to. They can be used for almost anything and everything you need or desire the outcome of. Sigils are an inscribed symbol considered to hold magical power based on your own energy and intentions. It’s also a seal. Most sigils are created for one specific purpose and then either burned to release it or melted, dried, etc. Symbols like the pentacle or pentagram are often used as signs of witchcraft or protection, the Elements.

    Wards: Warding your home or property is like a powerhouse protection method. It’s a spell used to repel, deflect and protect against negative energies or threats. It’s a mostly independent spell that will work apart from you and is meant for long term but will need to be replenished every so often.

    To create a ward, the most obvious part is to have your intentions set. Even if its job is for protection you need to ensure that your intention and those living with you are pure and set correctly. Make sure to cleanse yourself and your space on a regular basis and that your spiritual hygiene is in good order.

    It’s also important to leave negativity at the door before entering your home. If you had an awful day at work or are enduring a stressful time in your life, if you want your home protected from negative energies then don’t give reason for them to attach to you and enter your dwelling. If you’ve been having a difficult time with life and things in general, try leaving your negativity at the door of your home before you enter.

    I personally set wards in a few different ways. My favorite one is using large crystals and placing them in the four main corners of my home. I make sure to use the cardinal directions of the elements to correspond to my needs and set the intention to ward off negative people and energies from entering my home. I update and recharge them when I feel like the negativity is entering the home again, and I always charge the crystals in the light of the months full moon. There isn’t an exact overall spell to use but creating your own protection spell and using it that way will work.

    Crystals/Metals: Crystals can be charged and used as protection tools by placing them in various spots in your home or outside of your home (as long as they are safe to be in the sun and in different weather climates). Various types of metals like copper, silver and iron can protect against hexes and the fae and some other creatures. Both of these can be combined in things like rings and necklaces or created and placed on wreaths on your front door.

    Added to on May 21, 2020
    Part of the Element Magick Library.

    #5 - Love Blessing Candle

    This spell is used to bless a romantic relationship between two people. It is supposed to be cast by one of those two people and to be done so with the best intention for their relationship to blossom even more. This spell gives their relationship a little boost. It does not interfere with one's destiny or going against free will. It is also a defence spell for a relationship.
    You may need:

  • 3 ml of jasmine essential oil
  • 1 red& 1 pink candle
  • a pinch of dried lavender and a pinch of powdered cinnamon
  • a grinder
  • a bowl
  • 10 rose petals
  • hot charcoal disc
  • heatproof dish
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    You may need:

  • 3 ml of jasmine essential oil
  • 1 red& 1 pink candle
  • a pinch of dried lavender and a pinch of powdered cinnamon
  • a grinder
  • a bowl
  • 10 rose petals
  • hot charcoal disc
  • heatproof dish
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    Step 1.

    Carve the name of one lover on a side of the candle, and the name of the other lover on the other candle.

    Step 2.

    Grind the lavender and add it in the bowl.

    Step 3.

    Add the powdered cinnamon to the bowl and mix.

    Step 4.

    Add the jasmine essential oil to the bowl and mix.

    Step 5.

    Light the charcoal disk and then add the mixture. Burn the incense while holding your candles in the way of the smoke. While doing so, bless the relationship and make wishes of good fortune and prosperity for their relationship, chanting them out loud.

    Step 6.

    Place the two candles right next to each other on the heatproof dish, on top of the 10 rose petals. Let them burn until consumption.

    Added to on May 09, 2019
    Last edited on Jul 17, 2019
    Part of the Element Magick Library.

    #6 - To Calm and Center Your Emotions

    This spell is used to ground and center your mind and emotions.
    You may need:

  • A bowl or distilled water
  • Incense (one or a mix of either amber, bayberry, bergamot or one you find most calming)
  • White Candle
  • Dirt, soil, something from the earth you can rub between your hands
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    You may need:

  • A bowl or distilled water
  • Incense (one or a mix of either amber, bayberry, bergamot or one you find most calming)
  • White Candle
  • Dirt, soil, something from the earth you can rub between your hands
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    Begin by casting your circle as you normally would, using the items your find most personal or useful for this experience. Remember, this is a calming and peaceful spell.

    Say aloud

    Here before me I gather the elements of life.

    Earth, Air, Fire, Water.

    To remove all negative energies from within.

    The Earth grounds me from harm.

    (Now rub the earth between your hands)

    The air blows away any fear

    (run hands through the smoke of the incense)

    Fire burns away the negativity

    (run fingers through the flame of the candle, careful not to burn yourself)

    And water brings freshness back in

    (place your hands in the bowl of water)

    With harm to none, I release my negativity to cleanse my emotions and fill myself full of good intention. So mote it be!

    Take the water and salt(from your circle, if you used it) outside and empty it near your door, saving the incense and candle for later spells.

    As a reminder, any spell ingredients can be altered to your own desire and path.

    Added to on May 08, 2019
    Part of the Element Magick Library.

    #7 - Call Water Spirits

    Calling Water Spirits with simple candle magick!
    You may need:

  • Bell
  • Pen & Paper
  • Blue candle
  • Salt water
  • Offerings
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    You may need:

  • Bell
  • Pen & Paper
  • Blue candle
  • Salt water
  • Offerings
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    You should do this next to a body of water or stream, the objective is to gain spiritual guidance and energy from the spirits in the waters, its also a good technique for insight on troubled affairs and work problems if used for strictly meditation.

    Ring the bell where ever it is your setting up seven times in each of cardinal points starting in the West and going clockwise to each of the other cardinal points, ending back on West. West is water so that's symbolic on its own.

    This is basic candle magick, candle needs to be charged for starters. Anoint the candle for constructive magick with oils associated with peace, water, and evolution.

    Offerings include food, sea shells, statues, precious jewels and gems, and you can throw them right in the salt water.

    On a piece of paper write:

    My name is ______ _______ _______ i call to me the spirits of water and stream, from ocean's above and those not seen, deep in the bowels of Poseidon's gleam, immortal La sirens hear me, aid my spell for todays decree, above and below i welcome thee.

    Light the candle as you say this seven times out loud and on the seventh time you say it begin burning that paper and let it drop on the top of the salt water. Allow the blue candle to burn down on its own, disperse the salt water and offerings into the stream or body of water, just not items that pollute would be awesome for everyone, keep the word biodegradable in mind. After your finished with the presence of the water spirits you begin ringing the bell seven times starting in the east going counter clockwise to end.

    Added to on Feb 14, 2019
    Part of the Element Magick Library.

    #8 - End Your Oppressor

    A curse for your enemies with a twist.
    You may need:

  • Four dead spiders (I prefer them alive but to each their own.)
  • One dead fly
  • Mason Jar
  • Vinegar
  • Raw Chicken
  • Wormwood root (Or belladonna leaves if that is accessible, also extremely toxic so be careful.)
  • Sulphor powder
  • Picture of the enemy or full name on paper. (Clothing or personal item's work best.)
  • Needle and thread (Thread should be black or purple.)
  • Broken Glass
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    You may need:

  • Four dead spiders (I prefer them alive but to each their own.)
  • One dead fly
  • Mason Jar
  • Vinegar
  • Raw Chicken
  • Wormwood root (Or belladonna leaves if that is accessible, also extremely toxic so be careful.)
  • Sulphor powder
  • Picture of the enemy or full name on paper. (Clothing or personal item's work best.)
  • Needle and thread (Thread should be black or purple.)
  • Broken Glass
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    You should understand energy work is essential to any spell i provide, so to begin with the atmosphere needs to be charged with energy. This is done by circle casting which is for protection and raising energy, or you can charge the items as you go along with the spell.

    First, you need to mash and mix the wormwood or belladonna with the sulphor powder . Second use a boline knife or just a regular kitchen knife to cut into the chicken breast from one end to the other directly across the middle of the breast, you don't want to cut all the way through just make a pocket. Third, stuff the wormwood/sulphor mix into the back of the chicken breast. Fourth, the picture or personal name/item of your oppressor will be added in the chicken breast next. After you complete this its time to stich the chicken breast back up using the needle and thread. As you weave and stich the chicken breast being careful not to spill out the contents of course, you should chant:

    "The time is now and can wait no more, your flavor is poison and spider's will sore, your oppression and obsession will cease right now, no more will spirits allow me to bow. Above and below i weave my curse, send back ten fold or make it worse, when my oppressor is done and leaves me alone, i wish them only the best and hope they have grown."

    Once the breast is closed, drop the broken glass at the bottom of the mason jar, and then put the chicken on that. Finally, drop the spiders and fly's in and fill it up with vinegar and seal it. You may do one or two things with the jar, you can bury it in your yard, the woods, their house or whatever, Or you can leave it on your altar and continue to push energy inside for a full's moon cycle then you bury it. I recommend either or because i have tried both and they work the same. Bless your space, ground and center, and leave an offering to the spirits.

    Added to on Feb 06, 2019
    Last edited on Sep 08, 2023
    Part of the Element Magick Library.

    #9 - Calling Forest Spirit's

    Call spirit's from the forest to meditate with as you ponder the world and the natural energy that resides within.
    You may need:

  • Food (Plate for yourself and one as an offering.)
  • Foil
  • Charcoal Disk
  • Wormwood
  • Dried dandelion leaves
  • Tobacco
  • Drum (Some form of drum will work if you have to improvise.)
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    You may need:

  • Food (Plate for yourself and one as an offering.)
  • Foil
  • Charcoal Disk
  • Wormwood
  • Dried dandelion leaves
  • Tobacco
  • Drum (Some form of drum will work if you have to improvise.)
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    During the middle of the day gather up your items and head to your favorite place in the wood's. Somewhere its shaded with rays of light coming through the roof of the tree's. I would recommend blending the wormwood root, dandelion leaves, and tobacco before leaving those will all be burned together any ways and they all are used as ways to call spirits. Once you find your place in the woods, you can set up a mini altar if you like. The objective here is attuning yourself with the spirits in nature and being able to feel their presence and wisdom as you meditate. So get what you need to be comfortable there, be it a bottle of wine, pictures of your ancestors and maybe even a yoga mat. As for the food you should bring, if it were me im bringing fried chicken, mashed potatoes with gravy and some corn. Place your foil on the ground to make a nice protective area to contain your spirit summoning mixture, get the charcoal disk good and hot and then lay down the herbs to make a nice smouldering thick smoke. Don't worry about eating that's for after the ritual to help you ground and center better. Sit in the lotus position with the drum in your lap, for this i normally face east but to each their own. Now the beating of the drums, nice and even beats boom pause boom pause boom pause just a nice steady beat. Feel that energy echo through the tree's and feel it in your soul and let the world go, that is the trick, let the world go and fall into the beat, the beat and tree's is all there is, there is no need for words here. Let the beat speak for you, allow yourself to meditate now, and listen to the forest, allow the beating to reside, and just fall into the forest. Should you do this correctly you will have wonderful results, after the ritual ground and center yourself eat up and leave the offerings behind.

    Added to on Jan 31, 2019
    Part of the Element Magick Library.

    #10 - Flames Within

    Give yourself a magickal perk-up and shine with the energy of fire.
    You may need:

  • • Red candle
  • • Glass of red wine
  • • Cinnamon (powdered)
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    You may need:

  • • Red candle
  • • Glass of red wine
  • • Cinnamon (powdered)
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    You can use non-alcoholic wine or even juice if you prefer, but the spell is stronger if you use the real stuff. Pour your wine into a nice glass, and add a small sprinkle of cinnamon to it. Dip your finger into the wine and give it a little stir.

    Run your wet fingertip around the rim of the glass until you hear a ringing tone. Watch the candle flame and visualize it shining out from within yourself.

    Drink the glass of wine and feel its warmth flow through you. Place the empty glass next to the candle, and let it burn down.

    Added to on May 17, 2014
    Part of the Element Magick Library.

    60 Spiritual Spells from Element Magick
    #1 - #10
    #21 - #30