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60 Spiritual Spells from Element Magick

Covens Element Magick  ► Element Magick's Spellbooks  ► 60 Spiritual Spells
60 Spiritual Spells from Element Magick

Included in this list of 60 Spiritual Spells
  1. Charm of the Oak
  2. Dragon Guardian Aid
  3. Protection Spell
  4. Spirit Banishing
  5. Protection of the Moon!
  6. Karanina's
  7. Energy/stamina gaining spell (works only sometimes)
  8. Flame ball
  9. Acorn
  10. Magick Awakening/Initiation
#11 - #20
#31 - #40
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#11 - Charm of the Oak

Earth/Nature based spell intended as a way to connect to the deep wisdom and knowledge embodied in the oak tree. It's a more spiritual and somewhat intangible spell than most others.
You may need:

  • • 4 acorns
  • • Small bag of brown fabric
  • • Patchouli oil
  • • A brown or green candle
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    You may need:

  • • 4 acorns
  • • Small bag of brown fabric
  • • Patchouli oil
  • • A brown or green candle
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    Best if you can collect the acorns yourself. Anoint the candle and the acorns with oil, and light the candle. While you hold the acorns in your hands, repeat the following: Sacred oak
    Blessed seed
    Growth and wisdom
    Mine indeed Visualize a mighty oak tree, and all the things it may have to teach you. Place the acorns in the bag, and leave it near the candle. Let the candle burn out on its own, and leave the bag somewhere where you will see it every day. Opportunities to gain new knowledge will soon present themselves.

    Added to on May 17, 2014
    Part of the Element Magick Library.

    #12 - Dragon Guardian Aid

    Call forth your dragon in aid of your protection
    You may need:

  • Clarity
  • Connection with Dragon
  • Focus
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    You may need:

  • Clarity
  • Connection with Dragon
  • Focus
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    Note: You must already have an established connection with your dragon spirit guide in order for this to work. Dragons view themselves as your equal or even greater, so respect them.

    Chant the following:

    ''Dragon, my time is here,
    Come to me, your duty is clear,
    Give me wisdom, give me strength,
    Help me now, aid me with your spirit.''

    *Say Dragon Name* I call thee, not in command, but in plea.

    *Say Dragon Name* I call thee, not as ruler, but as a friend in need.

    So mote it be.

    Added to on Feb 09, 2014
    Part of the Element Magick Library.

    #13 - Protection Spell

    By JasmineDP
    You may need:

  • 3 bowls/cauldrons.
  • A necklace/ring/bracelet.
  • 2 Items of each element.
  • A candle, white or red.
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    You may need:

  • 3 bowls/cauldrons.
  • A necklace/ring/bracelet.
  • 2 Items of each element.
  • A candle, white or red.
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    Steps: 1. Cast your circle and place each element in their specific directions. North is earth, East is air, South is Fire, and West is water. 2. Keep 3 bowls or cauldrons on your altar, each containing an element. Sand is best for earth, And a candle should be placed instead of a fourth bowl/cauldron. 3. Take a necklace/ring/bracelet and place it in the bowl containing earth. cover it with the sand and say: ''By Earth I bless you, and fill you with energy, asking that you protect the owner of this necklace/ring/bracelet''. 4.Hold the necklace/ring/bracelet over incense and say: ''By Air I bless you, and fill you with energy, asking that you protect the owner of this necklace/ring/bracelet''. 5.Hold the necklace/ring/bracelet over a candle or fire and say: ''By Fire I bless you and fill you with energy, asking that you protect the owner of this necklace/ring/bracelet''. 6.Put the necklace/ring/bracelet in the bowl of water and say: ''By Water I bless you and fill you with energy, asking that you protect the owner of this necklace/ring/bracelet''. 7.Hold the necklace/ring/bracelet in the air and say: ''By my spirit, I bless you and fill you with energy, asking that you protect the owner of this necklace/ring/bracelet''. 8. While holding it up say: ''You are now bound and blessed by The Elements, to protect the owner of this necklace/ring/bracelet''. 9. Take the necklace/ring/bracelet and put it on yourself or the person for whom you are doing the spell then say: ''You are now blessed''. Let them sleep with it for the first night, and then they can take it off as they please. Just be warned that the necklace/ring/bracelet cannot protect anyone if they don't wear it.

    Added to on Aug 11, 2013
    Part of the Element Magick Library.

    #14 - Spirit Banishing

    Will banish unwanted spirits but keeps and attracts good ones.
    You may need:

  • White Sage
  • Salt
  • Rosemary (Optional)
  • One white candle
  • One silver candle
  • One purple candle
  • A Bowl (That is safe to burn herbs in)
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    You may need:

  • White Sage
  • Salt
  • Rosemary (Optional)
  • One white candle
  • One silver candle
  • One purple candle
  • A Bowl (That is safe to burn herbs in)
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    All Windows and Doors must be shut.

    Grind the White Sage, Salt and Rosemary (if you have it) together for one minute while they are in the bowl. Arrange the three candles in a triangle, and light them. Burn the herbs under the candle on a full moon.


    'Spirit/s be gone,
    you are not wanted.
    Go from my home,
    go far, dont come near.
    Stay away, please keep clear.
    Im asking you politely,
    If you go now I will not smite thee,
    If you do not go, the next spell will cause pain to you.
    Spirit/s go far, dont come near, stay away, please keep clear.
    This is my will, so mote it be.'

    If you can smell the herbs, it has worked. Open one window to let the spirit/s escape, and close it shortly after.

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    Last edited on Aug 19, 2016
    Part of the Element Magick Library.

    #15 - Protection of the Moon!

    The Moon will protect you when you are in need. WARNING- Very Powerful Spell
    You may need:

  • Ingredients:
  • 1 New White Candle
  • A Full Moon
  • Belief
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    You may need:

  • Ingredients:
  • 1 New White Candle
  • A Full Moon
  • Belief
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    On the night of a full moon, at moonrise, take your candle outside and put it somewhere it can bathe in the light of the moon all night.

    Chant over the candle:

    ''Moon watch me,
    Be protective as you can be,
    When I light this candle, give me your protection,
    I Ask you this with all affection.
    This is my will, so mote it be''

    Leave it there until the moon sets (you’ll need to set your alarm to wake up!) and go get it and bring it inside before the sun’s rays touch it.

    Wrap it in a pretty piece of cloth, and as you wrap it thank the moon for its protective magic.

    When you’re troubled or feeling the need for protection, unwrap your candle, thank the moon again, and light it;

    And the moon will watch over you lovingly and will give you its protection.

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    Part of the Element Magick Library.

    #16 - Karanina's

    Very effective Scottish spell-breaker can be used to throw off any type of spells, hexes or incantations
    You may need:

  • A beeswax candle
  • A length of twine about 6? long
  • A sharp knife or pair of scissors
  • A sewing needle
  • A metal pan (such as a cake or baking pan)
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    You may need:

  • A beeswax candle
  • A length of twine about 6? long
  • A sharp knife or pair of scissors
  • A sewing needle
  • A metal pan (such as a cake or baking pan)
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    An exercise in candle magic and un-binding

    Stick the sewing needle into the side of the candle approximately 1/2 from the top of the candle. Light the candle. When the needle falls out, you can work the spell.

    Hold the twine tightly between both hands and repeat these words aloud:
    "Where you come from, I care not
    Where you go, best you be gone
    Leave me now and let it be
    The bond is cut, so by this done"

    With the scissors or knife, cut the twine in half. Lay the pieces in the pan, making note of the freshly cut ends. Take your candle and drip wax over the ends of the twine that you just cut to seal those ends. Extinguish the candle.

    Next, take your sewing needle and piercing both pieces of twine, pin them together. Keep the twine pinned and put it in a secure place in the room where you sleep.

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    Last edited on Aug 18, 2016
    Part of the Element Magick Library.

    #17 - Energy/stamina gaining spell (works only sometimes)

    This spell gives you energy/stamina but it has little to do with mental thinking.
    You may need:

  • A strong mind or/and a mind which can be easily made to believe something. In simple words it works really well for mentally lower(?) class.
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    You may need:

  • A strong mind or/and a mind which can be easily made to believe something. In simple words it works really well for mentally lower(?) class.
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    To this spell you have to know what is really happening, if you don't then you can skip to the part of the spell.
    Okay so whats really happening is that our physical body almost always stores extra energy in involuntary and unmoving muscles so as to be used at emergencies such as a a car coming at you and you have to jump out of the way using more strength than you can normally spare. Here i am going to explain how to access that energy by saying and visualizing simple things.

    The spell is like this, visualize energy(represented normally as a white glow of light) in some parts of the body which are less used then say 'I am getting energy from myself, i rely on myself and no one else' keep saying that while simultaneously visualizing energy from that part splitting and going to all parts of your body especially the limbs.

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    #18 - Flame ball

    This is a tip on making a fire attributed psi ball.
    You may need:

  • Experience in psi ball making and programming.
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    You may need:

  • Experience in psi ball making and programming.
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    First make a psi ball as solid as you can make it by taking energy from the sun or from a flame(which i have never done. never taken energy from a flame) then hold it over a fire and imagine it heating up and the energy turning red/ deep orange.

    Second program the psi ball to appear at command like a secret word or something, do this by visualizing the psi ball away from you in a void and then say the word you want to say to make it appear and then visualize it appearing.

    Third, the uses, you can use this fire attributed psi ball to heat yourself up or to cleanse aura and my favorite to get healing energy(secret attribute of fire ;D)

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    #19 - Acorn

    Protects you from fires and damages from lightening storms.
    You may need:

  • Acorns
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    You may need:

  • Acorns
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    Place an acorn on every windowsill. This is an Old Norse protection spell to protect you from fire and lightening storms. It all started when the Great God Thor once sheltered from a Thunderstorm under a Mighty Oak tree.

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    Last edited on Jul 10, 2016
    Part of the Element Magick Library.

    #20 - Magick Awakening/Initiation

    used to get started with magick, used by many magick families
    You may need:

  • included in the instructions
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    You may need:

  • included in the instructions
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    Awaken the Magick!

    To help you awaken your inner magick you can cast this easy spell.
    Start by gathering together the following items:

    an empty notebook (you will call this your Magickal Diary)
    and a blue pen
    Then, on the day or evening of the moon (Monday) take a bath or shower first to help cleanse and purify your aura and after you get dressed in some clean comfortable clothes, find a quiet place in your home where you can be undisturbed for at least half an hour and place the notebook and pen onto a table or a flat surface and sit down nearby.

    Close your eyes for a few moments while you take deep relaxing breaths and imagine that you feel and see a white light surrounding you and filling you with a feeling of peace and happiness.

    Next, open your eyes and then open the first page of the notebook and with your pen draw the shape of a square or rectangle on the page and look into the square while you imagine that this is a doorway and it is opening up and you are stepping through the door.

    Let yourself relax and feel happy and uplifted as you imagine that your mind is stepping through that doorway into a sunny garden that is full of your favorite plants and flowers, (you may even see some fairies and unicorns there too) and let yourself stay in that enchanted place and have fun imagining for a while as you say these words,

    ''To the left and right of me, Above and below me, I awaken the spirit of nature and magick within me.''

    When you feel you are ready, let your mind come back through the door and close the notebook and say

    ''I am a wonderful child of the Universe, and so will it be.''

    When you finished your spell, you can write the words, My Magickal Diary, or whatever words you like on the front cover and keep this book as your enchanted workbook for spells and wishes.

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    60 Spiritual Spells from Element Magick