25 Books I recommend on topics varying from Wicca to Tarot

Covens Spell Casters  ► Articles  ► 25 Books I recommend on topics varying from Wicca to Tarot
A list of 25 books I recommend on topics varying from Wicca to Tarot. I have read 2 of the books on this list.

1. Scott

Cunningham?s Divination for Beginners.

2. Edain McCoy?s Astral Projection for Beginners.

3. David Pond?s Chakras for Beginners.

4. Stephanie Clement?s Meditation for Beginners.

5. Richard Webster?s Pendulum Magic for Beginners.

6. Gerie Bauer?s Numerology for Beginners.

7. Alexandra Chauran?s Crystal Ball Reading for Beginners.

8. Diane Brandon?s Dream Interpretation for Beginners.

9. Mark McElroy?s Lucid Dreaming for Beginners.

10. Elizabeth Owens? Spiritualism & Clairvoyance For Beginners.

11. Richard Webster?s Aura Reading for Beginners.

12. Barbara Moore?s Tarot for Beginners.

13. Scott Cunningham?s Living Wicca.

14. Scott Cunningham?s Wicca.

15. Deborah Lipp?s Magical Power for Beginners.

16. Richard Webster?s Candle Magic for Beginners.

17. Brandy Williams? Practical Magic for Beginners.

18. Richard Webster?s Psychic Projection for Beginners.

19. Melanie Barnum?s Psychic Abilities for Beginners.

20. William W. Hewitt?s Psychic Development for Beginners.

21. Ellen Dugan?s Herb Magic for Beginners.

22. Sandra Kynes? Herbal Remedies for Beginners.

23. Alexandra Chauran?s Runes for Beginners.

24. Kac Young?s Essential Oils for Beginners.

25. Alexandra Chauran?s Faeries & Elementals for Beginners.

Added to on Jan 28, 2023
Part of the Spell Casters Library.

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