This article will be about the mysterious path of alchemy. This path is hard to follow, and hard to master because this involves so much knowledge and so many years of preparation.
The path itself
Alchemy has been practiced for centuries. This practice takes a lifetime to learn and master because of the knowledge it has to offer,you must combine science with magick, you must know the difference between what's fake and what's real. This path isn't mastered by everyone who tries to follow it, some people quit because the path takes forever to learn, they are called the alchemy drop outs.
Your knowledge
Alchemy takes faith and knowledge, what you know is that it turns silver to gold and other things, but alchemy is more powerful than that. Alchemy is more mysterious than that. Doing alchemy in assumption that you can be rich is wrong..Alchemy isn't for making you rich it's for making things change. Understanding alchemy is a strong role which some people who study it don't understand. You think you can turn even rock to gold, well you're wrong, because there is a cycle to it, this cycle keeps alchemy in check, and keeps your mind flowing.
Why alchemy takes a lifetime to master
Alchemy is a tough path to follow, because there are many books and many things to learn. It combines both magick and science, you must have years of experience in science and also years of experience in magick to successfully use alchemy in every day work. Learning this path isn't as easy as some people make it seem. Alchemy is dedication, it is one of the hardest paths to follow, and almost 50% of those who follow this path pass while the others drop out of alchemy because of the long rate.
Lighthearted has been a member of the site for 11 years, since Aug 11, 2013
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