
Covens Spell Casters  ► Articles  ► Meditation
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This article teaches you how to meditate(:

Meditating is fairly simple for some people while others may have trouble with it. This may not work for you but it will give you an idea on how to do this and then you can find out what works best for you.

Go into a quiet place, somewhere you wont be disturbed. I would recommend your bedroom. If finding a place where you wont be disturbed wont come easy to you I know some people that hide in their closets to meditate.

If you're in your bedroom lie on your bed, close your eyes and let your body go limp. Focus on your breathing or if that doesnt come easy just focus on the silence around you. Clear your mind of everything that is happening around you. It's just you and the air among you. You could even daydream if you want. As long as you're relaxed.

If you can do this for atleast 10 minutes then you have basically just meditated. And if you keep doing this daily maybe once a week you could meditate for longer amounts of time without realizing it. So if you have anywhere to go make sure you have an alarm. I once meditated in my room planning to do that for only 10 minutes. The next thing I know I look at the clock and it's already 40 minutes later.

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