Make it Rain

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SpellsWeather  ► Rain Storm  ► Make it Rain
Simple spell to make it rain.

Casting Instructions for 'Make it Rain'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • One cup of water (plain water works best)
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • One cup of water (plain water works best)
Go outside with a cup of water and think about making it rain. Slowly pour the water out onto a solid surface while saying the incantation:

''I ask the Gods and Goddesses of the West,
Please aid me in this wish.
Rain, rain, come this way,
Fill the sky, sooth the land,
I give you this water as an offering.''

Say the above only once, and when the cup is empty go back inside and wait for it to rain. Even if it just sprinkles a bit, it worked.

>>Submitted by Haruko


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Last edited on Jul 17, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Does this actually work???

Dec 23, 2023
Yes,usually only a bit though

This worked

Sep 02, 2019
I like rain so I try

Nun it worked for 0.42 seconds then it stoped

Ha! IT WORKS!! But an easier alternative is throwing rice in the air.

Apr 23, 2023
Wait, IT DOES?!

What I am about to say, may shock some of you... Plausible.

However as outlined, I doubt it works well. As the author said, a light sprinkle at best, unless you are already talented in weather Magik or are naturally gifted. I would replace Gods and Goddesses with either spirit or elemental. West is associated with water, but few water deities are. Calling on a water spirit or elemental would call in the storm. Next, I understand why the author would stress saying it only once, because the longer you chant, the greater the Magikal energy. But also the higher the chances you make a mistake.

Simple one I would like to caution, if you choose to summon an elemental, be sure to thank it and send it away when you are done. If you do not, there is a high risk the elemental will linger around your home. This could cause pipes to burst, water leaks, feeling a damp chill, sometimes emotional issues since water deals with emotions and many more. As for the repetition, the longer you chant, the more Magik, the more rain. If you do not know when to stop chanting, you could flood your town. This is why I urge you not to try weather spells. You are playing God. You are moving weather patterns and causing global issues over a little rain.

This was my first spell and it worked!

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