Instructions on creating a servitor.
Please make sure you actually want to do this. Do not create one just because it seems like a fun idea. Servitors are living beings.
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1. State the purpose of your servitor.
-Create a sigil or series of sigils which will define the purpose of your servitor.
2. Create a body for your servitor.
Option A
-You can bind them to a fetish, like a doll, figurine, or a drawing of your own design.
Option B
-If you don't have the time or money to create a physical representation of your servitor, use meditation.
~You must visualize your servitor.
~How tall is it?
~Can it speak?
You need to define as many of its functions and characteristics as possible
3. Bind your sigils in the body of the servitor, and put it in it's safety protocols.
-Can be as simple as drawing them inside your picture, carving them into your doll, or imagining the digits being put in place of where it's "heart" may be.
Once it's done, a safety should be put in place.
Option A: Command Words
-Creating a command word is as simple as touching your servitor (if you used a fetish, this is easier) and speaking plainly to them "when I say X you will do Y"
(X and Y are the phrase and its action)
Repeat as many times as you need to rememeber or until you feel your servitor is ready to comply.
You can out as many command words on your servitor as you want, just avoid using the same word to do multiple things.
Option B: Counter Sigils
~Lets the servitor know where it is or isn't allowed to be.
-This requires you to name your servitor and upon naming it, creating a signal of its name. You must decide if this sigil is a ward or a summoning.
4. Bringing your creation to life
- The ritual can be as elaborate or as mundane as you want. However, the more elaborate it is the more powerful your servitor will be in the long run.
Perform a ritual hat lets your servitor know it is born.
Dismantling Your Servitors
-Take the object or thought of your servitor and tell it "You are free".
Imagine all of the bindings and words falling apart into harmless light.
If you have a fetish, set it ablaze or destroy it in some gentle way.
Make sure the object can no longer physically house the servitor.
Tell it that it has performed well and it is time for it to move on.
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