Death to all Around You

SpellsTrick  ► Banishing  ► Death to all Around You
This will kill every one around you.

Casting Instructions for 'Death to all Around You'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Pure hatred for humanity
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Pure hatred for humanity

Chant this 3 times fast

I hate all whom I see and hear. Lucifer hear my plea, help me dred father. Kill all around me. Bring death and suffering to all whom seek to hurt or kill me. 

Take this seriously it will miliciously kill every one around you with there worst fear.


Added to on May 19, 2014
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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does it work

Mar 14, 2019
While I don't doubt death spells, I highly doubt you simply say some words and book everyone drops dead. If death spells work it takes a ton of energy [which is why the only ones I've heard being successful were preformed by covens and not individuals. I doubt an individual could cast a curse that powerful] so this spell is almost certainly fake. [i also hope you think through a death spell and not just ''this sounds cool'']

May 07, 2019
I think I control wind before 3 days but I cannot do it not

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