Enter Someone's Mind

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Does exactly as the name says. This is relatively hard so just keep trying. It can allow you to talk with someone mentally or damage their mind.

Casting Instructions for 'Enter Someone's Mind'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Nothing
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Nothing

Decide who to do this on and concentrate on your aura (their's too). Imagine your aura seeping into their's.Try to speak with them or imagine little bombs going off in their mind
Keep trying and you'll get it.


Added to on Jan 21, 2013
Last edited on Dec 09, 2022
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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I'm only still a beginner of white magic but how can you concentrate on your aura?

Apr 09, 2019
By envisioning it within your mind.

Apr 10, 2019
This 'spell' is fake.

Jan 05, 2020
Nordstar you know why is fake,it is because you don't believe on magic

Aug 09, 2020
No matter how much you believe in Magick, the spell will not work. So technically, NordStar is correct, the spell is fake. Don’t even try to correct me because you think I’m wrong, I’m right though. If you are to call me a non-magick believer, I’ll inform you that I believe in magick completely. But, you have to know the limits

It worked on my second try and I honestly had a little doubt but if you focus enough it works

Sep 09, 2021
How did you do it

Apr 10, 2024
were you actually able to do it ?

How would I know it worked

Jun 17, 2020
because they would answer you i think

For this to work do you have to be with said person or can it be done over a distance

i’ll try this but i’m kind of nervous that they will hear my thoughts that i didn’t mean for them to hear

Aug 02, 2020
I think She/He will be able to hear your thought because you can talk with them but if you want to stop the connection i think you just imagine your aura to just come out of their's i think im not sure

wow kinda like Jayfeather from warriors

Hey am a white magic practicer and what is aura am scared to try these spells but am a believer

Jun 16, 2021
1. Magick is intent, not colour 2. your aura is the natural energy field around you and all things. The colour, shape, and distance from your body can indicate mood, health, and energy. 3. while magick is real, it's not the same as what's seen in movies. Magick is a natural energy. It brings natural change and doesn't contradict nature. This particular spell probably won't work, but there is a belief you can enter others dreams through astral projection. [the issue lies in the natural shield we have to keep other spiritual beings out of our physical. Unless the person is willing, you need to wear them down, similar to how negative spirits might wear someone down physically and spiritually before they can enter their physical. This is rare, so don't worry]

I will try this.

As outlined, this does not work. You cannot force your way into someones mind by thinking really hard. It is rare someone can enter another persons mind. If you are expecting Professor Xavier powers, that is not possible. Entering a persons dreams, subconscious, or visiting them on an other spiritual plane is plausible, but requires more effort than above. We have natural defences, so for any spirit to posses or influence us, they need to break through these defences. This is why in most horror movies the spirit/demon will torment the protagonist for most of the film. They are weakening their mind, body and spirit to take control of the person. If you have a willing participant, you can try to sense what they are thinking, or enter their dreams. However, you need to strengthen your psychic abilities, which requires regular effort, not a spell. A spell can set your intention. It can tell the universe you intent to improve your sixth sense. However, a spell will not make you some powerful psycic with zero effort.

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