Negativity Banishing Spell

SpellsLife  ► Banishing  ► Negativity Banishing Spell
This is a spell to help you banish anger and other negative feelings.

Casting Instructions for 'Negativity Banishing Spell'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Visualization
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Visualization
Visualize a strong white light flowing out the top of your head, flowing down around you and covering you. At the same time imagine you are throwing away any 'problem' vibes. Maintain the visualization for a half a minute or longer. Good way to help you handle your emotions, and to control worry or anger.


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This requires an edit, but it does work. You could ground these emotions by visualizing roots from your feet going into the ground and the negative energy leaving your body through the roots. But this seems to be a type of psi ball visualization. Focus on the emotion, feel it in your body and have it move through you and turn into a ball in your hands. Imagine a mud ball, thorn ball, or a ball of energy in a corresponding colour to your emotions. If you are angry, red is typically anger. If you are sad, blue. But whatever you feel represents the emotion you feel is correct. Channel all the energy into this ball, and when you feel you have collected it all, throw it away. It is best done outside or by an open window/door. Imagine you are throwing the ball far, far away and wherever it lands, it instantly returns to a neutral state. Then have the positive light shower over you as mentioned in this spell. I would finish with a shielding, but that is optional.

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