light is longer in time

SpellsLife  ► Banishing  ► light is longer in time
if your scared then say it to have the darkness flee. i would say it 0ne to 3 times

Casting Instructions for 'light is longer in time'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • just voice ,
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • just voice ,
Light light light!!!!!!!!!
Forever evolve higher than the darkness give it a fright
Learn all you can to destroy the dark
Leave the light mark
Ever growing light
Kills the dark that hides in the night
All the darkness that is swift
Light Kills their powers so they can be stiff
As you drain the darkness the light gets stronger
Now there is only light which in time is longer
Now light you will learn how to drain the dark
Now ever stronger the light will bring on the ark
Light will completely drain the dark, the darkness
Let that bitch continue to be heartless
Light will now drain everything wicked
Now they are weak and afflicted
Now the light is addicted to destroy the dark
Light learns from dark to destroy is deadly mark
Bless it be 3x3 p.s no consequences, no personal gain


Added to on Sep 11, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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