Averting the Evil Eye

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SpellsLife  ► Banishing  ► Averting the Evil Eye
From: Llewellyn: 2012 Witches' Spell A Day Almanac. It gets rid of a curse.

Casting Instructions for 'Averting the Evil Eye'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Black pepper
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Black pepper

Before you go to sleep for the night, go outside and construct a large eye shape on the patio just outside the door. Do this by pouring black pepper in an artistic formation. (To make lines with pepper, just use the “pour” side of a store-bought pepper container.)

Once you’ve made this eye (even very simple one), do the same at all other doorways leading outside of the house. When you wake up in the morning, go outside and blow the eyes away using forceful breaths. Conclude by saying: "Evil eye, you must flee! Leave this place, so mote it be!"


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Last edited on Oct 08, 2016
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