Advanced Mindreading

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SpellsHealth  ► Power  ► Advanced Mindreading
This spell will allow you to feel or think like the person the spell is cast upon. The person the spell is cast upon must be in a close range from when you cast the spell.

Casting Instructions for 'Advanced Mindreading'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Photo of person who spell is cast upon
  • Free mind
  • In close area of the person spell is cast upon
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Photo of person who spell is cast upon
  • Free mind
  • In close area of the person spell is cast upon

Meditate for a few minutes and think of the person who you are casting the spell upon. After your mind is cleared chant:

"Accerso alius sententia ut mihi , phasmatis of interregnum ego dico , solvo meus mens mei , ego dico thee phasmatis audite meus placitum take meus mens quod iacio is porro ut (persons name)."


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Last edited on Sep 29, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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this is latin language but why

Mar 24, 2019
Because some people think spells are more powerful in Latin when I reality spells work best if you understand them.

Well I translated it and I said to make convention with spirits. What does it means?

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