Power Inscence

SpellsHealth  ► Power  ► Power Inscence
This inscence will help increase your physic awareness and powers/abilities.

Casting Instructions for 'Power Inscence'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Herbs: Nutmeg, Cinnamon, Pepper
  • Oils: Lavendar
  • Eyedroppers
  • Mortar and Pestle
  • Full Moon or three days prior
  • * extra: mullein
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Herbs: Nutmeg, Cinnamon, Pepper
  • Oils: Lavendar
  • Eyedroppers
  • Mortar and Pestle
  • Full Moon or three days prior
  • * extra: mullein
Using a mortar and pestle, crush two parts of Nutmeg, one part of cinnamon, one part of Pepper.

After, put onto an altar tile.

Add the oil.

Side-note: Something extra you can add is a part of mullein. Burn on the night of a Full Moon or three days prior to perceive clearly, have fore-sight, visions, and an increase in your physic power and abilities.

Where to Park Your Broomstick: A Teen's Guide to Witchcraft
by Lauren Manoy, Yan Apostolides (Illustrator)


Added to on Aug 09, 2013
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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