This is the ink used in every spell that I post. it's easy to make, but items need to be gathered at specific times on a specific day.
Welcome to the old magics.
Casting Instructions for 'Magical Instruments - Ink for thy spells, incantations, pacts, etc...'
You will need the following items for this spell:
A waning moon
the pit of a peach
an unused bowl
rainwater, or river water
soot from a chimney
2 tablespoon powdered gallnut
8 tablespoon powdered Arabic Gum
The coals of a fern branch cut on June 23 at sunset
a sieve
Your Magical Instrument Needle
You will need the following items for this spell:
A waning moon
the pit of a peach
an unused bowl
rainwater, or river water
soot from a chimney
2 tablespoon powdered gallnut
8 tablespoon powdered Arabic Gum
The coals of a fern branch cut on June 23 at sunset
a sieve
Your Magical Instrument Needle
Other than the fern branch needed for crafting this ink all other ingredients can be purchased or crafted in the case of the needle.
Start off by taking the pit of a peach and reducing it to ash in a fire
Next take your unused bowl and place the rainwater or river water into it.
Take the Gum and Gall. Mix both extremely finely
Add the ash of the peach pit, to the soot of a chimney. Make sure this mix it fine.
Sift both mixtures into the filled bowl
Next, take the coals of the fern and slowly add them to the bowl.
You then have to stir this mixture once a day for 5 consecutive days for 5 minutes bathing in the light of the waning moon.
Lastly, take your Magical Instruments needle and prick any finger on your left hand, adding 2 drops of blood to the mixture.
Congrats, you have made magical ink. this is used in succession with the Magical Instruments Pen to weave spells, make pacts, and perform magics.
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