Spell manifestation

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Spell manifestation
Post # 1
Hey all,

Spells casted in June( not by me). My target and I have always been in contact/ intimate however this month he has stopped talking to me and cut me out without explanation. The person said this is the Spell working? Is it normal for a target to become cold and distant before manifestation. It just feels the opposite of what I was seeking.

Does this happen and manifest positively??
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Re: Spell manifestation
By: / Novice
Post # 2
The first, (and most important) questions;

What was the spell you had cast, and what precisely was the goal?

And why did you have the working done? What made you feel you meeded to resort to magic to attain your goal?

Bear in mind this isn't to be critical of you nor judgemental. But these details of method and motivation can help us understand potential consequences or issues. What you do, how you do it, and why, are all things that could inform potential results.
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Re: Spell manifestation
By: / Novice
Post # 3

As Spirit wrote knowing what the spells goal was can help us determine whether or not it went awry.

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Re: Spell manifestation
Post # 4
It was a dream of me spell and stubborn target. We have been separated but still seeing each other and I was seeking to have him return and recommit to us. The love is there but we just aren't together.

I tried calling today and he responded via text asking to speak tomorrow. I mean at least he responded but I'm not sure if it's good.

Basically my goal is for him to return to me, be faithful and committed
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Re: Spell manifestation
Post # 5
It's possible that the spell did backfire. Sometimes the target of a spell will subconsciously know what the castor has done. Then again, , it's also possible that this was just a coincidence. Either way, I'd recommend trying to work through what's causing this rift between the two of you instead of resorting to magic. Spells that try to force someone to stay with you probably aren't the best idea, and whatever issue that's keeping you apart will still be there.
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