Born Wiccan?

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Born Wiccan?
Post # 1
So quick question, what are the chances of a person being born with the skills of a Wiccan ?

I never knew my real parentage, but since I can remember I've always had a knack for understanding things that many would consider improbable.

Since childhood I've had a close connection with magic. I've always been convinced that magic existed and for years I've had clairvoyant skills. I had a vision of my sister-in-law being pregnant with my nephew, and this was before she told us that she was pregnant a little more than a week later. I've been able to foresee confrontations between me and my family and my dreams and it would happen the exact same way. Since birth people have said that I am comforted by water, and since I can remember water has been my preferred meditating element. I've even seen water in certain situations follow my movements telekinetically, I can remember also moving certain things telekinetically as well. I've been able to sense people's presents as well such as my adopted parents, I was once standing outside waiting for my adopted father to pick me up I could sense that he was entering the area without him even telling me, before I even saw him pull up. I feel and adaptive closeness with certain animals I even healed a woodpecker that I felt a close connection with and I believe it felt the same way about me. And strangely to some people I believe in the fantastical and mystical creatures that people call Myths... I even believe I saw a satyr in human form once.

Could all this be because I was born Wiccan? Could be that my mother or my father had a secret life as wiccans themselves? I never knew my father's name my birth mother never mentioned him and I have a strong feeling that it was either to protect me or because he had a secret life that no one could know about? Maybe it's all in my head, but my question still stands is it common for one like myself to be born with the supernatural skills of a wiccan?
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Re: Born Wiccan?
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2

Well firstly, Wiccans don't have supernatural skills and no one is born a Wiccan. Wicca is a religion which happens to use magic as part of its practices. That's why Wiccans are also considered Witches. But the magic we use is perfectly natural and drawn from the natural forces all around us, earth, sky, moon, etc. So short answer on whether you were born Wiccan, is that you were not. You may have become a Wiccan if you have studied and practiced the religion of Wicca.

You might want to read my post as to What Wicca Is And Isn't at

To continue thought, you might have been born with an affinity to magic. This is rather like someone who is born with an affinity for music, art, etc. But this sort of magic isn't tied to any particular form of practice. You can certainly use it in Wicca if you practice that religion. You could also use it in Traditional Witchcraft, Ceremonial Magic and any other forms of magical practice.

So, as you describe it, you seem to have some talent for magic. You don't have to call it anything other than simply magic without ascribing it to a particular magical practice form, nor (most especially) to a religious practice.

In addition, leaving magic aside, you might have some talent for foreseeing. Again, this is no t a Wiccan skill, but simply one that some Wiccans may utilize.

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Re: Born Wiccan?
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 3
This thread has been moved to Wicca from Misc Topics.
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Re: Born Wiccan?
By: / Novice
Post # 4
Merry Meet,

Wicca is a religion, so you will not be born with Wiccan powers. You are probably thinking of Magikal abilities or psychic abilities. This is possible and from what you discribe, it sounds like you were born with these abilities. It is similar to being a "born artists" or something. You have a natural talent. This can be a blessing and a curse since you need to learn how to control these abilities, otherwise, you might lose them as you age. This could be due to a lack of control, or something scaring you into your subconscious locking them away. For example, you had a vision of something traumatic, which would cause your body to protect yourself.

If you wish to be Wiccan, there are plenty of beginners books and articles on the religion, but it is like being born a Christian. You may be born in a Christian household and be taken to church, but until you choose for yourself to follow the teachings, you are not Christian.

As for your parents possibly having these abilities, yes. Usually, when a child is born with such abilities, you will find others in the family line who share these abilities. However, it is not a guarantee. It might skip a generation, or be only one type of person. Similar to how some families will have one person born with red hair, or blue eyes, each generation. What you could try is ancestor work. Even if you do not know your ancestors, you can try connecting with them through spiritual work and receive those answers from them. You might also consider one of those Ancestor DNA kits, I have heard many stories of people finding lost family members through them, you might not find living relatives, but you may find the history of your genetics and through them, the answers you seek.

Blessed Be.
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Re: Born Wiccan?
Post # 5
Oh dear. I hope that loss isn't permanent. My guess would be that it has something to do with how the brain's structure changes as you age.
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Re: Born Wiccan?
By: / Novice
Post # 6
I was born with powerful psychic abilities [prophetic dreams and the ability to see/sense/hear spirits] as I aged, I lost this ability, but it was because I never worked at it. It was just something that was always there, so I ignored practicing and controlling it. As you age, your abilities weaken because you're not actively working them. Another reason this could occur [like with my empathic abilities] is something traumatic could cause your subconscious to lock them away until you are safe to use them [safe as in something traumatized your system and until you heal from it, you won't be able to use the ability] It all comes down to practice. Kids seem to be more spiritually aware and as we age this awareness weakens, so without proper spiritual guidance, you could lose these abilities. But it wouldn't be permanent, once you start using them, it'll come back to you.
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