Speaking in tongues

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Speaking in tongues
Post # 1
Can I speak in tongues to cast a spell or do I need to use Latin?

Or some other foreign language?
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Re: Speaking in tongues
Post # 2
I wouldn't recommend using another language unless you know precisely what the words mean. You don't need to go out and learn Latin or something else to cast spells. In most cases, just stick with your native language.
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Re: Speaking in tongues
Post # 3

To clarify more about spell casting in general. Incantations are merely there to make it easier for the caster to visualize and direct the energy flow. While speaking incantations are optional so long as your intentions and visualization are clear, they are beneficial to a lot of practitioners. While in theory, you can use any language (even non-existing)so long as your intentions and visualization are clear, it's always recommended you cast spells in words you can understand and structure appropriately to help your spells succeed.

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Re: Speaking in tongues
Post # 4
Words are simply a tool used to help arrange your thoughts and emotions and to direct your energy and focus your intention. The words by themselves are not where the power comes from, that power comes from the witch, hence "Spellcaster". The words allow you to direct your power and when combined with your will create a spell. You can certainly use a foreign language if you wish, it can help you focus since you don't natively speak that language, it can also give you a reason to keep on your language studies since your using it in your spell work and ritual, it can also help you with keeping your practice a secret since no one else will usually speak that language but it depends where you live in the world. I've used Latin, creole, Japanese and even Icelandic in my spells because to me these sounds have a meaning, I find that some non English languages have a cadence to them that helps me perform my spells. But you certainly do not /need/ to learn a foreign language to be a witch. But there are many reasons to use one if you choose. But you should, at least when you start is stick to your native tongue, because you might not know what your saying or how to even pronounce the words if it's not a language you know. As others have said, you don't need to but it's not for nothing if you choose to use a language just make sure it's one that holds meaning to you.

Hope this is useful to you

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Re: Speaking in tongues
Post # 5
hi I have and know and heard christians speaking in tongues I was going to film it / it not all the same some is jewbish these christians also tried to excorcise me it trumatized me so I will show all I KNOW it sounds retarded but I really want to burn this church
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Re: Speaking in tongues
By: / Novice
Post # 6
@ babayagga, I'm sorry a group of closed-minded individuals tried to exorcise demons from you [the same happened to a friend of mine and I was almost tricked into the same situation] it was wrong and should never have happened. However, your choice of words are uncalled for and violates site rules, so please be careful in future.

@ Cobblefrost, you don't have to cast a spell in a specific language for it to work [this includes Latin. Historically, Latin was used by witches as a way to mock the church who used Latin to sound mystic and special] If you speak English, use English. While a spell calling on a Geek deity being written in Greek would work, you can translate it because the language doesn't really matter. [same with a ritual. Learning a historic prayer in the language is a positive thing, but not mandatory] You need to focus on the flow of energy, not the pronunciation. If you feel nervous you're saying the words wrong, this will weaken the spell. In the end, the words are for you to understand, not the divine. The divine understands energy.

As for tongues, that's a can of worms I don't want to open. Basically, it's the divine entering your body and you start rambling gibberish because God is speaking through you. This can happen in trance states, but I wouldn't force it to happen. If you begin chanting and fall into a trance and instead of saying "Protect my space, harm erased" you would repeat it and repeat it and slowly build your energy until you're rambling so quickly the chant sounds like "protectspaceharmerase" and while those listening would be confused, you've entered a state of presence where you're focus is on casting and not pronouncing the words correctly [I've cast spells in this way, and they've worked fine]
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Re: Speaking in tongues
Post # 7
There are important things about language that everyone should look at, Etymology for example and things. But speaking in Tongues is usually kind of a Christian thing, and usually the person claims to be speaking an Angelic Language or Babel. We can look at the Nuapian’s as an example as in like Brother Polight, they have Languages formed from Egyptian Images as well as groups around the Nile and Nubia today. Like Noble Drew Ali having said he came back from Egypt and had spoken to a Mystic, or Madame Blavatsky saying she was communicating with her Guru in India through the Akashic Library and he was giving her information to put in to Text.

So just to say that Ancient Languages aren’t important and particularly that Latin isn’t Special, there is actually something about Latin. When your Brain Lights up when Hooked up to a Machine, based on Words or hears, so it hears “News Media” and it lights up some part of the Brain. If I say “War” it lights up whatever part. If I say “America” it lights up whatever part. If I say “God” supposedly now it lights up the same part that lights up when you are talking about yourself. And so then the Words are lighting up our Brains for reasons, and if we then take Latin Words, our Brain still Lights up. If you say things Backwards the Brain still lights up. There are always things happening in your Brain and connections it has to these sounds and phrasings that you don’t understand.

That is to say, even Scientifically, we could maybe set out to prove and find evidence for a group of People who hears certain kinds of phrases and words, or has natural inclinations to signaling and everything, where that is us, and we will have another layer of this. Every Generation, Century, Millennia, Humanoid Species, Animal Species, is as we understand it adapting better and better to everything around it. And then it would follow that as we have had Language at least 2 Species ago, maybe sooner, that our Brain has kind of sought out ways to make sure to follow the Correct noises the Correct way, as in sense Danger by hearing the Ancient Noise, which may be lost by your Modern Language that you were taught in School.

So then there are things about the Ancient Languages, for example the Number Alphabet, and the Egyptian Symbols as Letters Alphabet, which is the Number Alphabet in a way. And to lose all of this, is maybe to lose some of the Magic you are looking for.
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