Strange dream connection

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Strange dream connection
Post # 1

Have you ever encountered a certain symbol reoccurring in different dreams?

Recently I've had a dream about myself giving birth to twins (I'm not pregnant).

Few days later after that, I had a dream about my ex fiance who told me, that we are over (side note: yes, obviously it has been years now...) because he got himself a new woman and she's expecting twins.

Fairly enough, I thought that that the first dream might be some inner form of a call from my subconscious about maternity, obviously. Second case also seemed obvious -that indeed was the case that my subconscious tried somehow to 'cut ties' with my ex.

But the thing isn't necessarily about old relationships and being a mother... what's up with those twins? Why would the same symbol appear in both dreams? How important can one symbol be to reoccur in separate dreams?

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Re: Strange dream connection
Post # 2

This, having dreams of the same symbol, in multiple dreams can actually occur fairly often.

I often dream of houses or apartments that resemble ones in life or ones I have never even lived that keep reoccurring in dreams.

I have been without an apartment for three years possibly going on four, and this can relate to a sense of longing for security or at least a semi permanent place. Throughout life I have moved often.

Houses or residencies come up in multiple dreams for me.

Your reoccurring dreams of twins is something you will need to be the one to interpret. No one else can truly interpret another's dream and from your post I feel you have a good understanding of what this symbol could mean for you.

To answer your question a symbol appearing in multiple dreams on different nights can happen often.

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Re: Strange dream connection
By: / Novice
Post # 3

You would be right to assume that dreams can often be a window to our subconscious! Dreams of birth are sometimes associated with a laborious new beginning or life transformation. Similarly, dreaming of twins is commonly interpreted as a sign of a fresh period of abundant living or newfound happiness after an intense time of stress or worry. Both are also interpreted as signs of fertility as you mentioned.

That said - Ravenfeet is right in that only you can truly decipher the meaning of your own dream. Pay close attention to how the dreams make you feel while you're having them, it might be helpfulin deciding what messages are being sent your way!

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Re: Strange dream connection
By: / Novice
Post # 4
Having the same dream every night for weeks never happens to me, however, I have recurring themes. The reoccurring dreams I have typically happen over years and each time I get a little further in them and once I complete the dream, I never have them ever again. But the theme's the same. I go somewhere, I find hidden stairs and I start climbing through a maze until I reach someone. We talk and then it's a race to get out before something happens [building catches fire, building collapses, someone catches me] So, it's the same message being presented in different ways in order for you to pay attention. Look up the meaning of twins in dreams, journal and reflect on your feelings not only surrounding the dreams but in your waking life. [I'd also consider Gemini as something to reflect on as they're "twins" so it might refer to Gemini energy. It could be an actual Gemini, Gemini in your birth chart or something dealing with the nature of a Gemini which you need to embody]
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