Cleansing/Charging Crysta

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Cleansing/Charging Crysta
Post # 1
I know that cleansing crystals with sound is a thing but is it ok if I use my phone and put on sound? Also I know that you can charge crystals under moonlight but does the moon have to be a full moon?
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Re: Cleansing/Charging Crysta
Post # 2
Hi! What makes sound cleansing work is the energy behind the sound such as music. Say I play Witches Rune by SJ tucker with the intention and energy work of cleansing my crystals and I use my phone speaker. That works fine because I have put the intention and energy work into it. I would recommend that you put the stone on the speaker because I've found it more effective that way. Now, if you play a random song and don't put any intention (basically the blue prints for a spell or the instructions) and don't do any energy work, then of course nothing is going to happen. Now for the Sun and Moon, all crystals can benefit from these Celestial Objects, now some may fade in sunlight but in terms of does it need to be the full moon? No, of course not. Because the moon doesn't go anywhere does it? The thing with the moon is that its energy is kind of like ice cream where the other celestial events such as what sign or House the moon is passing through or what phase the moon is in are like the "Sprinkles" so it slightly changes the energy of the moon. But it's the same moon, because it's not like it goes anywhere when the phase changes. So no it does not need to be the full moon, but normally you'd cleanse and charge it for 3 days, I've created my own technique where I channel the moon and don't need to wait three days but I guess it depends what your doing with that crystal(s) and how deeply you need it cleansed, etc. Hope this helps!
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