Need a Health Spell

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Need a Health Spell
Post # 1
Hello, I am new to Magic and to the site.

My husband is diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis and doctor said its in early stages. He is suffering from short term memory loss and mild disabilities like no balance while walking. Can anyone suggest me a good health spell to cure him?

Thanks in advance
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Re: Need a Health Spell
Post # 2
Peition a spirit who rules over healing to heal him. AA Raphael, Aset and Sekhmet / Bast come to mind. Apollo is good too.
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Re: Need a Health Spell
By: / Beginner
Post # 3
There is no cure for MS magical or otherwise. You may find some spells to help him with the symptoms or degenerative effects of the disease but you cannot cure him of it.
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Re: Need a Health Spell
By: / Novice
Post # 4
I believe there are also some nutritional and wholistic/herbal options to help with managing or reducing symptoms.

There are a couple of different forms of MS, so you will want to start by getting some in-depth consultations on what specific kind it is. From there you will want to educate yourselves on that specific form, how it progresses, and where/how it tends to target the systems of the body.

This way you can work to promote health in those areas. Learn about nutritional options and natural sources of essential minerals and especially fatty acids and vitamin D. And of course nutrients that promote the nervous system and protect the myelin sheath.

MS is unfortunately degenerative, but lifestyle and the right kinds of health support can slow that process down and otherwise promote quality of life. Sometimes life and the lessons it brings is about growing from/through adversity more than about 'beating' or 'curing' ones self. Finding value in what you have rather than dwelling on what appears to be missing or things that feel like they are being taken away.

One thing to take heart in though... My father was diagnosed with Degenerative MS 24 years ago, and he is still around and kicking. He needs a wheelchair to help him get around outside but at home he is still mobile and independant in his sixties.

So above all, understand that life isn't over. It might be scary for a while, and there will be news things to learn, but there is still lots of opportunity for life to go on basically normal.
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Re: Need a Health Spell
Post # 5
Thank you very much for all the replies.

I really dont know what kind of MS he got, Doc said he have some white patches in his brain and have to take medicine his whole life. Doc also gave him a 100k Vitamin D shot and said its enough for few years.

He is only in mid thirties and the news really shook us. I was hoping there will be some cure. It hasnt affected him much physically, except the balance issue. But, mentally he is depressed and cannot focus on work. He is an artist and its like MS took all his creativity away.
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Re: Need a Health Spell
By: / Novice
Post # 6
One addition I would like to make is to recommend counseling with a specialist in mental health dealing with long-term illness. Depression, 9 of 10 times, is the thing that undoes people who get hit with life-changing events. Having someone to talk to about it will help and hs might even come across using his experiences as inspiration and influences to his art!

I am glad your doctor seems to be mostly on the ball, though one injection of high-dose vitamins doesn't make you good for a few years. Your doctor might have been trying to convey the size of the dose in something relatable like saying he is giving your husband several years worth. As in an amount that would usually take years to obtain naturally. You will still want to research an appropriate continuous nutritional regimen. Food sources and natural sourced components as much as possible. (IE; Diet).

Also please make sure yo educate yourselves on the medications you have been perscribed. Schedule a meeting with a certified pharmacist to take you through what it is, what it does, and any forsee-able conflicts or side effects.

Bear in mind that Doctors and medicine are about treating the disease. It is up to you two to be focused on the whole person. Overall health, physically and emotionally. Get involved with knowledge groups who are already dealing with this sort of issue- their 'been there, done that' experience is invaluable. Understand how you are being treated, and learn, learn, learn.

At the very least, Knowledge dispels fear. The more you learn and understand the more equipped you will be later.
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Re: Need a Health Spell
Post # 7
You can help him out with a healing spell contact he his really powerful and he would help out he has once helped me before
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