What's your animal spirit

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What's your animal spirit
Post # 1
Mine animal spirits are the black mamba and African rock python
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Re: What's your animal spirit
By: / Novice
Post # 2
This thread has been moved to Misc Topics from Welcome.
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Re: What's your animal spirit
By: / Novice
Post # 3
I guess that partly depends on what you mean by animal spirit. There are totems, based from shamanistic practices and are archetypes representative of one's personality and spiritual path... To which I have Ben informed I carry Eagle with me.

There are also animal spirit guides, which can be any animal/being you work with and actively learn from, to which I have been under the wing (pun intended) of dragons.

Based on Chinese zodiac, I was born under the element metal and the year of the monkey. And of course with western zodiac I am under the month of the ram.

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Re: What's your animal spirit
Post # 4

Spirit what you speak of regarding totems sounds similar to Power animals- Power animals in Native (North American) tradition are actually cautioned not to be shared with others. Much like a magical name knowing another's Medicine or Power animal can result in a loss of personal power. A Native practitioner whom is aware of the sacredness of this belief, would not be inclined to speak of their Power animal to others.

Knowledge of Power animals in many of these tribes, isn't handed to someone. It is something meditated on and quested for and it can take many years to come by one's Medicine.

Then some will have totems. These are often very tribe or family oriented, serving as a representation and medicine of a tribe. Families can identify kinship in this manner, and these representations too are sacred.

Many animals natural behavior teaches lessons and all have certain characteristics and tribes did use animals and their lessons as sort of a moral code.

But honestly I have never had Native American friends and people I have known speak about spirit animals the way it is portrayed online today. Much written online to regards this topic today seems very new age.

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Re: What's your animal spirit
By: / Novice
Post # 5
When it comes to new-age, I am definitely largely guilty as charged. I have a very 'broad stroke' level of knowledge when it comes to Native American practices especially, and only have knowledge in a very generalized sense. And I realize that different tribes and differing regions have a variety of interpretations (and even linguistic translations) as well. Not to mention how every individual has their own take on how seriously they view the beliefs of their own culture. So, terminology swiftly becomes a minefield of hair-splitting and perspective where one person's "Eeh... close enough" is another person's "That is completely wrong and here is why."

I have been told a variety of ways one becomes aware of their totem/spirit/power animal as well. Some require meditation and fasting, some rely on a period of isolation and journeying. The method I am most familiar with is that it is revealed by a teacher/shaman through a dream journey, and then shared with the student. So how one comes to this awareness seems to depend on who you ask.

Though, Perhaps if I gave a (hopefully) brief rundown of how I was told this would give you some context, so you could likewise give me a better idea of what term/s would be better to use. I am always up for learning something better.

In a nutshell; I was on the job at a worksite, extremely exhausted, frustrated with my life situation, and (basically literally) asking the universe to throw me a bone because I was definitely tumbling into a spiritual crisis and at the end of my very frayed rope.

Then, that very moment, as I stepped outside to start a security patrol I walked almost face-first into a man who was just standing there, at the door, and staring at me. He was Native American, didn't live in the building, and I hadn't seen him in the area ever before (or after) the encounter. He held out his hand, I assumed for a handshake so I took it out of social obligation. He gripped my hand, stared me right through my eyes, told me I was an Eagle, and strong.

Then he genially slapped his belly, declared he was going to go get some breakfast, then walked away leaving me so dumbfounded I didn't even process what happened until he had already strolled away and around the corner.

This of-course led to me researching eagle and it's lessons, message, strengths and weaknesses which helped me through that particular 'dark time of the soul. Eagle was revealed to me as a message, as a teacher by representation, and as a mirror to myself and how I could grow through my situation.

As for the wisdom of silence, I agree with the importance of discretion. But I am also the type to allow a measure of personal risk when it has purpose. Or when it is in the right setting. Conversation of the Self and Spirit should be done with awareness. I put a lot of trust to my intuition and instincts. If I feel nervous or uneasy about a topic, or feel like I am unsure if I should say something (especially in person) then I don't bring it up. But, likewise, if I find myself with someone who shows me their own vulnerability or intuition by bringing up topics and questions then I go with the flow.

I hate to think of the many good and deep conversations I would have missed out on in my life if I kept silent for silence's sake. Or people I have had my own one-time encounters with where I was able to pass forward the kinds of timely nudges I received that day. Discretion is vital, but there is a point where silence hurts rather than helps, and becomes an expression of fear instead of wisdom.
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Re: What's your animal spirit
Post # 6
These animals spirits are based on what my intuition showed me on my needs aka life situations my wants needs where I my life path should go
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Re: What's your animal spirit
Post # 7
I must a bit of a cliché or what others that don’t know about Wicca think a stereotypical witch is. I only have cats.

I am not trying to be funny, I love them and care for them and try to give them a good life into old age. I have two right now and feel a bond of love with both of them.

Cats have encompassed the spiritual belief systems of many ancient cultures around the world. One of the most well known is the worship of the cat in ancient Egypt as well as Greece. The belief was of the cat holding some divine essence in it and being a divine messenger, spirit guide and totem. Since cats are more active at night and are able to see in the dark they are seen in several cultures as belonging to the realm of darkness and communing with spirts that dwell in that darkness.

Its hard to think of my cats Caramel and Clementine as divine messengers or communing with dark spirits and they certainly make hash out of my sacred space and alter if I don’t put things away but I certainly feel a bond with them and they with me. What I hope I am expressing is it’s the animal that you feel drawn to and is likewise drawn to you that forms the bond and makes them your spirt animal.
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Re: What's your animal spirit
Post # 8
I have 25 pound orange tabby around me all the time name is Milo love him to death great companion
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