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Post # 1
I've been struggling with depression for a while and I've been having a lot of issues with self love and self care and a week ago I saw a group of sparrows on the road infront of my car. Sparrows aren't common at all in my area and I read that they are sacred to Aphrodite. I found this a bit comforting but I didn't look too much into it. Well, since then I've developed a lot of skin rashes from scaly skin on my ankles leaving red streaks, chafing on my thighs, acne breakouts, and last night I got razor burn on my neck. I think it's because of Aphrodite because I saw the sparrows and didn't do anything. I'm afraid that I made her mad and I don't know how to fix this. I need help.
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Re: Aphrodite
Post # 2

I feel very deeply that the skin irritation is not related to a deity becoming angry.

I have seen this carelessly suggested in the pagan community so often on social media that it is becoming ridiculous.

When you have angered a deity it isn't likely or common to manifest physically in such a way as to cause an individual harm.

It is very important to take information with a grain of salt. Usually when I anger a deity they'll simply leave. This is why I no longer work with Pan.

Influencers blaming every scratch they find on their physical person on a deity becoming angered, is slightly causing a panic among inexperienced practitioners.

The first conclusion to jump to if this happens should probably not be a God or Goddess. There are other entities which are not only capable of this, but have been known to. For decades.

Keep in mind I am not trying to offend you at all, and I do have much empathy for you. I am speaking more about influences irresponsibly creating a panic where one need not come about.

Most deities, don't do this. Also it has been my experience they are more difficult to anger than people think.

It is my belief simply, that Aprodite may be calling out to you. You've not answered yet. I feel the skin issue is unrelated, yet may be something this Goddess can help with. I'd consider almost more of another sign, than a retaliation.

Good luck.

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Re: Aphrodite
Post # 3
I highly doubt that she would be angered by that. However, you could also use dove feathers or roses.
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Re: Aphrodite
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 4

As someone that suffers from clinical depression, I can tell you that it (coupled with anxiety and stress) can actually lead to physical symptoms that don't seem like they would be connected with the illness. I've had weight loss, hair loss, rashes, etc all because my body was reacting to my mental illness and stress. At the time I didn't even realize they were connected until I sought medical treatment.

If you haven't already, I'd look into contacting a licensed therapist. They can help you deal with your depression and offer medications and recommendations on how to handle the mental and physical strain of the illness.

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Re: Aphrodite
By: / Beginner
Post # 5
I agree I do not believe it is Aphrodite,
I suggest you visit a therapist, but if you'd like you can work with Aphrodite for self love if you'd like aside from visiting a therapist of course would never suggest replacing visiting your doctor with magick her symbols mostly include myrtles, roses, doves, sparrows, and swans my best friend works with her and I believe she said her favorite foods include Asparagus, dark chocolate, honey, figs, and raw oysters if you'd wish to leave an offering,
Good luck
Blessed Be
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Re: Aphrodite
By: / Novice
Post # 6
Agreed. In all things like this begin with the mundane. Razor rash can be a simple result of a dulling blade, or going too roughly or heavily against the grain. Foot and leg rashes can be from any number of things including allergic reactions, sensitivities to new products being used, venomous plants like poison ivy/oak, bug bites, or dry skin from simple weather changes. Heck, even sudden periods of heightened stress can cause things like rashes and hives in people.

If anything, Aphrodite would be present to help you find self-love, not punish you for a lack of it.
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Re: Aphrodite
Post # 7
A friend outside of this website recommended to try contacting Aphrodite and so I did and the skin problems went away after that. She did say she was getting my attention but the skin issues wasn't her like everyone here said. I actually started working with Aphrodite. And she confirmed it was her and not a trickster spirit (everyone on tiktok says that if you're young all deities you come across are trickster spirits). I was looking around for a pet bird since my parents were going to get me one as a highschool graduation present (I graduated last night) and my sister's friend works at a petstore and the only bird left in that store just so happened to be a dove and that was Aphrodite's confirmation that it was actually her. I guess I shouldn't automatically assume things are because of deities but if I didn't question it I guess I wouldn't have realized Aphrodite was contacting me.
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Re: Aphrodite
By: / Novice
Post # 8
Good intuition and wisdom indeed! Personally I have always been frustratingly blind to times when messages are being sent my way. I've never known why, but even when I am actively trying to be aware and in tune to the synchronicities around me, I am as oblivious as that one friend everyone has who could never tell he/she was being hit on, even when literally everyone else can see it and are face-palming dents into their foreheads.

Keep following those intuitions, and also keep asking questions. Intuition and critical thinking go hand in hand, and both should be nurtured.
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