I need help sum1 hurting

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I need help sum1 hurting
Post # 1
I live in prince george bc canada and there is alot of natives here I know they are doing magic on me and got me possessed I had a long distance exorcism. They keep doing magic to me though and I dont know who or what they are doing. I have had some help but I need more. I am new to magic. Real magic. I know I have done magic before when I was younger. When my brothers left our home my dad somehow disconnected all of us and I find it harder to do magic is it because it comes from Male energy?
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Re: I need help sum1 hurting
Post # 2

Magic no is not dependant on male energy or having that energy around. It is not necessary to have a certain gender around in order to practice magic.

Magic comes from your own energy, your ability to draw, ground, and focus it.

Now. How do you, if you don't mind me asking, know that local individuals are casting upon you? And I am not stating at all that I disbelieve you. I tend to know myself when another may be casting upon me, or at least a few signs to watch for.

I'm simply interested in reading about what circumstances led you to this belief or knowing.

That way members here are better able to attempt to determine what exactly if anything has been done.

As well you speak here of others casting, but in no way give detail as to what you are presently experiencing.

By this I mean to say, I am not entirely certain here that what they are casting, if anything at all, is necessarily a negative working.

Is it possible they may be offering blessings instead?

To further be of help, if you get the feeling they are casting and you are not seeing or experiencing any results. Try not to worry too much. You may have protections in place, such as ancestral guides, that are deflecting their work.

If their spells aren't working, don't stress yourself out.

Good luck. I hope things work out for you.

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Re: I need help sum1 hurting
Post # 3
How about, " I cast back the ill and bane, I send it back from which it came". You don't need to know who sent it, your just returning it.
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Re: I need help sum1 hurting
By: / Novice
Post # 4
How do you know it's the local natives targeting you?

Do a cleansing and protection and you should be fine. Make a bath with salt, lavender, rosemary, mint and other cleansing/protection herbs, then soak in the tub, visualizing/feeling negative energy being washed away into the water. You can also do this when you have a shower, as you scrub your body, visualize washing away negative energy too [I tend to chant "stress and strain, go down the drain" as I do this]

As for protection, you can shield, you could wear a protection symbol, you could draw protection symbols in lotion on your skin, you could bury a mirror on your property, have a mirror hanging in front of your doors, draw a protection symbol under your doormat, hang protecting symbols over your doors, anoint your doors/windows with protection oil, sprinkle protection dirt/salt around your property, wash your floors with Florida water, burn dragons blood incense, use a protective air spray [I could go on]
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