Any tips on evocation

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Any tips on evocation
Post # 1
Hi! I'm MoonFury. I have been practicing a few kinds of magick throughout the past few months. And I want to try evocation or invoking spirits. I want to summon the spirits of my ancestors. If anyone here has done this before, I would like it if you shared your experiences. Tips for protection or spell success are also appreciated. Note that evocation is something new to me, and I haven't really done something like it before.
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Re: Any tips on evocation
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2

Evocation and invoking are actually two separate magical aspects. Both evoke and invoke are Latin based stemming from the verb vocare, which means "to call". To invoke one calls upon someone or something usually an authority, law, or right. To invoke a spirit one calls upon a spirit, asking the spirit to join the caster if the spirit is able and willing. To evoke means to call forth and is often associated with memories and emotional aspects. To evoke a spirit one uses an evocation or a summons that calls forth the spirit and the spirit has no choice but to appear if the evocation is correctly executed. I suggest being polite first with an invocation,to see if the spirit is willing to interact without being evoked, however some can not be contacted this way and will require an evocation. I would use caution and be sure to layer protection magic with wards, shields, and other protection castings before beginning the practice of evocation. Offerings to give these beings that are invoked or evoked are always a good idea. Sometimes the offerings will be specific and other times whatever you have to offer is acceptable it just depends on who you are calling to. Below are some link to items in our on-line shop that may be of help to you in your quest.

Many Blessing to you <3

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Re: Any tips on evocation
Post # 3
Like kts said, offerings are a very good idea. But not all spirits accept the same offerings.
What you prefer to call angels, I prefer to call good and positive spirits. I refer to angels and demons as good and evil spirits.

Sugar is a very good offering to a good spirit if you're looking for some extra money. You can invoke or evoke, it all depends on you. Evocation involves summoning a spirit to your physical location, summoning him from another dimension to yours - which can be dangerous with evil spirits without the required knowledge.

And remember - you can't see spirits. It's them who let you see them if you're prepared. ;)

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Re: Any tips on evocation
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 4
Before I can begin to advise, I need to know what your skills in magic are. Have you mastered your basics? Do you have any psychic abilities of any form?

You have only few months of experience, or so you have stated above. Evocation of spirits is one of the most difficult disciplines in the occult arts. In its most complex form, it requires two people, not even just one. One to do the complex rituals, which require a lot of occult knowledge, and certain intellectual prowess. Second the act in the role of the seer. Doing both at the same time is very difficult task, and will require you to jump between states of brain functioning. It can be done by someone, who can actually switch between states fast and with little effort, but it is not an easy feat. You need to have some psychic ability, or have someone with you inside the protective circle that has. Otherwise, how are you going to communicate with your said ancestor in the exact moment of evocation? They might be forced to hang around until you are asleep and dreaming to even have a try to communicate with you.

I will very very strongly recommend against any invocation. I will also recommend you do the LBRP ritual and stay inside the protection of its boundaries at all times, while summoning things. If you have even the partial ability to host spirits, this can shatter your psyche in ways that cannot be reversed, in worst case scenario. In best nothing will happen.

The spirit of the dead are not usually residing on the physical plane of existence. Unless, they refused to get detached from some person, property or they got stuck because of emotional or mental attachments. The spirits of the ones that moved on to higher levels are harder to reach. Some of them might have reincarnated, by the time you reached out for them. There is still connection between the dead and the living, but you cannot just call upon all of your ancestors. You need to pick one in your mind, and crate a secondary bond across the levels of existence. This might take some time doing meditation and visualization. You need your consciousness to recall the memories you have of them, and holding some object they left behind might help. Preferably this object has some significance to them. This will act like a beam of a light house reaching across the planes of existence.

If you decide to do an altar to honor the dead ancestor, the altars honoring the dead face usually West. You must have water in some vessel on this altar. Water somehow helps them to communicate easier. The more you honor them the more charged the water gets. This altar must be inside a cast circle, as you are a beginner. Never ever do any evocation, without casting a circle of protection.

Evocations as any complex magical workings require your energy to raise to certain levels. This generates a very strong energy, which spiritual beings perceive as a form of Light, or that is how they perceive it. This will attract every spiritual being in miles radius. Then, some of them might decide to be your constant companions and house residents. This is a risk any advanced practitioner might run into. You better know also how to banish spirits too, as some might refuse to be dismissed. You must learn this skill too, prior to evocation.

As you can see, you need massive amount of knowledge and skills to pull something like this off. This is exactly, why Kts gave you such a long list of things that can shed light on the topic.

I simply do not believe in any simple summoning spells as anywhere even closely adequate to evoke something. Unless, a negative being was already hanging near by and now got curious to check what you are up to.

Occult arts are like any other discipline. You spend doing maths for 12 years minimum to be proficient in the field and even more years to become professor. Unless, born some mathematical prodigy, which is like observed in one percent of population, or even less. Occult arts also take natural skills and many many years of honing to reach the level of master, so you can pull off the most difficult techniques on your own. To partially compensate for that people form covens and groups or work in pairs to enhance their success rate.
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Re: Any tips on evocation
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 5
This thread has been moved to Spiritual Creatures from General Info.
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