Any darker entities/deiti

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Any darker entities/deiti
Post # 1

Does anyone know entities or deities that are darker by nature?

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Re: Any darker entities/deiti
By: / Beginner
Post # 2
Darker in what way? Evil, mean, cruel, or unpleasant?
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Re: Any darker entities/deiti
Post # 3

Evil. I wanted to see if I can somehow make a deal or negotiation with one.

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Re: Any darker entities/deiti
Post # 4

Darkness doesn't always means the evil the people who are in the path are for their desire powers. I think fallen angel can help to you to find those spirits

Many blessings

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Re: Any darker entities/deiti
By: / Novice
Post # 5
"Dark" deities are usually misunderstood deities. They're usually from a culture that white people explored [*cough* conquered *cough*] and when they came across these deities, they interpreted them as evil because they were scary. Kali looks terrifying but she's a liberator. Sekhmet is a Goddess of justice, she can harm but also heal. The Morrigan is seen as dark but she's merely stern. Dark deities are complex and determined, and as a result, were given evil titles. Hades is the God of the underworld, and many see him as a villain [or Satan] when he's in charge of keeping dead people in [and with the way 2020's going, good on him for keeping the zombies away] Yes, he kidnaps Persephone and now we have winter, but Google what his brothers Zeus and Poseidon have done, and you'll learn Hades is the good brother.

Dark deities are more flexible with things like revenge and destruction, but they're not evil [hurricanes bring destruction, but they're not evil, just a part of nature] While I wouldn't recommend you seek out a dark deity with the intention of tricking them for favours [or whatever you plan] I would research one that interests you and introduce yourself honestly. They might reject you [some might kick you down a metaphorical flight of stairs if you annoy them] but it's better than demanding favours from powerful beings. I work with a dark Goddess and while we have a strong bond, the times she wanted something or I upset her she let me know in not so nice ways.
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Re: Any darker entities/deiti
By: / Novice
Post # 6
"Evil" entities may be tempting but often you can achieve the same results with an entity that would ask for less and care more about your best interest. If you're a beginner, do NOT seek out such an entity to make a deal with. Wording and negotiation can be tricky and you can end up making a deal you have no way to follow through on. I suggest finding a single entity that interests you and researching them in depth (ie: specialty, ideal offerings, background) before making any deals with them. This goes for any deal with any entity, really.
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Re: Any darker entities/deiti
Post # 7
Dark entities are only "evil" because they're are broken. They have suffered which makes them want others to suffer in return. No one is born evil.
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Re: Any darker entities/deiti
Post # 8
First of all, dark entities are not the same thing as evil entities.
A dark entity is an entity that avoids light, avoids people except in special circumstances, and otherwise avoids being seen.

If you want to be rewarded by an evil entity, then you've got to know what pleases them. An evil entity wants to feel like it owns you, is coercing you into doing time-wasting things that you don't want to do, and is causing you to waste your life. It is therefore better to deal with good entities, but this is what you asked for. Put yourself in the presence of an evil entity, and wait for them to make such a demand. Then fulfill their demand to the fullest, at great expense to your time. That would please them, and they might reward you for it, especially if you ask.
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Re: Any darker entities/deiti
Post # 9
I've never made deals or pacts with dark entities but there is a website with plenty of information to set you on the path. You may find what you are looking for there. Of course, if you are experienced in Kaos, the Cthulhu mythos is a good place to look.
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