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Post # 1
Most of my abilities do not seem to work the way I read about magic. I have little real control over them, and they seem to work more on reaction than intent. That said, at other times, they seem to follow right along all I read about. Wondering if I might have a combination of Psi and magic. Any real info would be greatly appreciated.
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Re: Power
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2
This thread has been moved to Misc Topics from Welcome.
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Re: Power
Post # 3
See this as a strength not a weakness. It means you are getting quick results to your craft but be careful never of the mental frame of mind you use this special gift. Karma can be a pain Good luck and blessed be
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Re: Power
Post # 4
Perhaps I should elaborate. I have had power since I was very young. As far as I can remember, I have been able to do things that normals cannot. Having no idea what was happening, I was often in in trouble for things without understanding why. In grade school,I started reading Andre Norton. The stories about psionics and magic struck a chord, though I did not at the time make the connection to my own problems. Other authors further enlightened me, but the result was that I started to believe that there was something wrong with me, that not only was I abnormal, but in real danger if anyone figured it out. I started seriously trying to suppress my abilities out of fear of government labs and crazies trying to use me for their own ends. I liken it to digging holes in my mind, and piling big mental boulders on top. PS, it doesn't work. New abilities would pop up out of the blue, taking me totally by surprise, and I would be fighting to hide them. As a result, there are people who know about it, but either are not being taken seriously, or not telling. I have, however, been attacked several times now, the last was several months ago when I awoke in a panic, with no heartbeat and unable to draw breath.I drew on power and threw off what I could see in my mind as a solid manshaped shadow. My breath and heartbeat returned, and I could see it staring in surprise even as it vanished. When I look at myself now, I see what looks like a force dome over me. I assume it's another new ability that my subconscious has come up with, as I do not feel anything at all from the outside. Not even the featheriest of touches. I need help.
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Re: Power
Post # 5

The more you think about something the more you attracted. I'm unsure whatabilities you may be talking about, this could rage from clairvoyance, mediumship, empath or others. Either way the answer is simple, but the task is difficult. Do not fear your abilities. The idea of fearing them itself is only causing you more harm then good. It's best to in brace it or protect yourself. Learn how to protect yourself, cleanse and banish maybe learn about self love to help raise your vibration. Ask for guidance in whoever you believe in and know that there is no such thing as normal.

One man normal may be another man strangest. Do some mediation to help you with your fear and ground yourself. Welcome these abilities into your life and try not to overthink about them, do some research on what you may be experience to help you understand what you are going through. What happens if I don't want them? I unfortunately do not have an answer to this, but it is possible if you pray to whoever you believe in to help block these abilities from you.

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