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Post # 1
Hello, my name is Logan. But I will present myself here under my spiritual moniker Verose. I am currently 18 years old, and have been regularly studying the occult for over ten years (often at the expense of my academics).

I first remember coming to this website when I was in second grade. I used my father's home computer to research spellcraft, specifically orienting towards the pagan discipline.

Years went on, still visiting this site periodically. Throughout my middle school years I intensely studied occult ritual systems, including hermetic ceremonies, and rites of demonaltry. It wasn't until my freshman year In High school that I began practicing in earnest, regularly attempting demonic evocation and casting minor hexes at my spiritually blind and arrogantly ignorant class peers.

Over the years, I have accumulated a vast theoretical knowledge of magickal systems and have advanced quite along the path of spiritual alchemy. My most recent accomplishment, which I am by no contract bound to not declare, was making a blood pact with the Goetic demon king Belial. His agonizing presence is burning away the impurities of my societally indoctrinated mind and freeing me from the illusion of light. I plan to work with many other dark spirits in my pathworking, even advancing in Necromancy to a reasonable extent.

I attribute much of my occult prowess to author E.A. Koetting, his contemporary, Asenath Mason, and Konstantinos. Without the guidance of Mr. Koetting's many grimoires I would have never stepped beyond the shackles of the dabbler and entered into this tremendous spiritual experience, however terrifying it may be.

I am willing to teach those wishing to know more about magickal systems, such as divination and evocation. I will try to respond to any messages the curious aspirant may send.

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